How The Radical Left Can Fuck-Up An Ambush Too

The apparent victory (please, Almighty Spirit, NO!) of Bill Sorrell over TJ Donovan has me pissed off at people who drone vote for the brand name.  But in fairness to Democrats, let’s take a look at the Radical Left.  I give you, ROSEANNE In 2012.  Yes.

Now, what does the Green Party do?  They vote down Roseanne at their convention 193 to 72, giving Massachusetts doctor and activist Jill Stein the nomination.  Ho-hummm…mmm.  Or rather, yawn.  The Radical Left is soooo PURE.  No matter WAR or Economic Injustice, Woman’s Rights, Workers Rights, Gay Rights, you name it, the RADICAL(?) Left will not come down to earth and be nitty-gritty when it can be ACADEMICALLY Above-It-All.  Who is Jill Stein?  And who is Roseanne?  Flip a coin.  Heads–Roseanne, and with a united block of Greens, Liberty Union folks, Libertarians, Socialists, Gays, and as many other Third Party Lefties, you’ve got a powerful voting block.  Or tails–Jill Stein, and probably less votes than Nader could get.  Yawn, again.

Why in the Bloody Hell cannot the Left get its shit together when it is so important now to provide an alternative to the people who are always in a lose/lose situation with the Republicans and Democrats.  Oh, I know.  It is more important to look politically correct and intellectually superior than to roll up your sleeves and stand with the regular stiffs in this country who are on the assembly line of oppression.  

The Left must have a pure and not too pushy, not too strident message, donchaknow?  Roseanne?  Well…that would be just a bit much.  Get all the regular folks and working poor uppity.  Next thing you know, they’ll want action, not talk.  Not long long academic essays (which regular folks have no time or concern to read) of Global Warming’s effects on bats, whales, and June bugs.  No.  It’s the country and the World and the PEOPLE who need to get on the Left’s program.  And what PEOPLE?  Certainly not Roseanne’s type of people.  They’re just not the wine and cheese Marxist/Leninist/Mao thought kind of people.  They can clean up the dishes after the Meeting.

Could you just picture what Roseanne would have done to Romney in the debates?  And then to Obama?  And Roseanne’s running mate on the Peace And Freedom ticket is Cindy Sheehan.  Think she could have handled Ryan and Biden?  

Well, the Radical Left remains pure.  And is becoming more and more of a club.  And what’s that called?  Hmmm…well, I call it The ESTABLISHMENT.  

Roseanne at the Debate:  “Now, Mister Romney, I mean, what the Hell is all this stuff with you and your guys about rape and abortion and fetuses and incest and conception?  I mean, it sounds to the American people like you and your running mate and a whole lot of your Rich Republican male friends have been on some really sleazy Internet porn site?  And you’re doing this all out in the open, like exposing yourselves.  Gross.  Children are watching.  People have gone to jail for the kind of lewd behavior you boys are engaging in.  GAG.”

But Nooooo.  Well, I guess the Radical Left will always be there to tell us:  “We told you so.  Pass the pinot noir, please.”

What’s that word Mister PeteySweety likes, kiddies?  That’s right–Douche-Bags.  I knew you could say it.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

2 thoughts on “How The Radical Left Can Fuck-Up An Ambush Too

  1. I love it.  I hope Roseanne does some channeling too.  And seances and Tarot cards.  A ouija board at the debates–that would be REALLY COOL!  And, of course, after she is elected, I expect her to introduce me to The Two Beckies, before she appoints them to the Supreme Court.

    Jeez, Ed, you and the Lefties seem to have that syndrome here about Roseanne.  You know, the one about underwear.  Lighten up.  There’s crazier shit coming from the Republican Platform.

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