3 thoughts on “The ad software is indeed getting smarter…

  1. Every once in awhile, I blink, and forget about the Republicans, and the insaniTea.  And then, it all comes back.  Right on, ad software!

    Nich Kristof is a must read this weekend, from Sunday’s New York Times, “If China or Iran threatened our national credit rating and tried to drive up our interest rates, or if they sought to damage our education system, we would erupt in outrage.  Well, wake up to the national security threat. Only it’s not coming from abroad, but from our own domestic extremists.”


  2. “Mr. Drysdale and Miss Jane sehs I shoulds gets Ellie May to run.  Do the Republicans already have a blonde running?  Hot Dang, I can be one a them hotshot power brokers like that Carville guy, the one who made Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.”

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