The one Republican who stood up to the bosses tonight

In the stampede to crush unions in Wisconsin, one Republican stood up to the bosses. Here's his statement (quoted in its entirety in the theory that a government publication is in the public domain):

Senator Schultz Statement on Budget Repair Bill Vote March 9, 2011

As someone who as spent the better part of the last four weeks working toward and hoping for a compromise, this is a difficult night.

I’ve had the honor and privilege of representing folks in Southwest and South Central Wisconsin for 28 years, and where I come from ‘compromise’ isn’t a dirty word.

I’ve received tens of thousands of emails, thousands of phone calls and letters, and spent hours meeting with thousands of citizens in my district. I’ve heard personal and heartfelt stories of friends and neighbors, and they ask for just two things.

First, be inclusive by listening and working with your colleagues on both sides of the aisle to reach a compromise which addresses our fiscal crisis. Second, public employees are willing to make sacrifices on things like wages and benefits, but we need to preserve collective bargaining as a tool which has helped keep labor peace in this state for decades.

Ultimately, I voted my conscience which I feel reflects the core beliefs of the majority of voters who sent me here to represent them.

I look forward to working with my colleagues in the days ahead as we now need to join together to work through what promises to be a difficult budget.

If you want to thank him, here's his Facebook page: And his e-mail address:;

4 thoughts on “The one Republican who stood up to the bosses tonight

  1. conscience out of nineteen?

    The past three or four week’s demonstrations  showed what democracy looks like.

    Now in Gov. Walker’s underhanded power play we see what corporate person-hood looks like in action and what kind of governor it buys.

  2. Thanks for posting this Jack. You have to wonder what folks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt and all the other hotspots are thinking as they watch our model democracy play out across America. So Americans get policies shoved down their throats, regardless of what a majority of them think? Kinda sounds like what we had here.  

  3. As we are a country of laws, and not men/women, my hope is that this will be overturned in the courts due to the public meeting law requirements.  

    Here is a powerful video from Wisconsin of Representative Barca bringing up this, and other issues he has with the process.

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