YUP, this is an “Open Thread” [UPDATE THIS]

(Promoted from Diaries)

++ Vermont Has the Highest Percentage of Armed Socialist Veteran Farmers who Support Universal Health Care and Vote Democratic of any state in the country including D.C., and Texas regardless of whether it secedes.

The Article also states that New York is the 8th most Democratic and Vermont is 5th.  Vermont outranks Illinois!

Fifty-five percent of New Yorkers say they consider themselves to be Democrats, compared to 30 percent who identify themselves as Republicans. The resulting difference of 25 percentage points is the eighth-largest margin in favor of the Democratic Party.

The District of Columbia, treated as a state by the Gallup Poll, is No. 1


Runners-up are ………Vermont (28 points) and Illinois (26 points).

So Vermont is # 5.  Not bad for a State with a strong Liberty Union, Progressive, Libertarian, Independent voters, and various other 3rd party voters AND an open primary.


ps.  Kidding about the Socialists with Assault Rifles. But don’t be surprised about the polling info snuck into cross tabs.

++ Are there any other non-diary topics that are worth a discussion in the comments?  Anything I need to add into this diary since it was promoted and is now an “Official Open Thread”?  

Pile on!

How about this: “President” Obama really is a Martian, or something like that.

3 thoughts on “YUP, this is an “Open Thread” [UPDATE THIS]

  1. Because the demos/progs are too divided and the candidates that they put up against Douglas really failed to capture the imagination to the voter as to their potential, so they lost…every time.  Plus Vermont is also heavily Republican too. At least we ar unique

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