Looks like NY and NH don’t want to be left behind

Governor Paterson said he is going to introduce same sex marriage legislation. It’s not yet known if there is enough support in the state senate. It’s reported that there probably is enough support in the state house. Same sex marriage has already passed in the NH house, if it passes the senate Lynch could veto it or allow it to become law. Lynch is on record for supporting civil unions but not same sex marriage.

I don’t know about you guys but I feel really proud to live in Vermont. Not only did our legislature pass same sex marriage, we also overrided a governors veto. We are the only state in the union that could have done that and every Vermonter should feel proud of that.

Vermont has once again proven itself a leader which other states will follow.

There will not be a voter back lash in the next election for those who voted for same sex marriage. By the time 2010 comes around a few more states will have passed same sex marriage through the legislature or the court and it will become a noncontentious issue.