Tag Archives: Morning Consult top ten senators

Poll: Vermonters still approve of Senators Sanders and Leahy and Phil Scott back in top ten Govs…again

Both of Vermont’s senators are at the top of a recent Morning Consult approval rankings list showing the top and bottom ten  approval rating for senators in the last quarter of 2018.

Bernie Sanders (I) tops the list for the 11th quarter in a row with 64 percent approval of Vermont voters and Senator Leahy (D) at close second with 62 percent.The top ten Senators includes four Democrats and two Independents that caucus with Senate Democrats.toptensens1

Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell moved up one place to the 49th least popular. Morning Consult notes: The fourth quarter marks McConnell’s best showing since the second quarter of 2017 as he prepares for an expected re-election campaign in 2020. McConnell lost his last-place least-popular senator “honor” to newly retired Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona.

Morning Consult has good news for second-term Vermont Governor too. Phil Scott (R), had experienced a significant drop in approval last quarter subsequent to signing into law a bill that restricts gun ownership. But his winning re-election has put him back in the top ten most popular governors  — in fact he’s back in the top five at 59 percent approval.