“A pleasant surprise”: Governor Scott grabs one from the Koch machine

Scottand koch machine2This is so common place now it hardly raised an eyebrow, but the Koch brothers once again opened up their wallets big time in support of Vermont Governor Phil Scott. Vtdigger.com reports: Just two weeks before the primaries, a political action committee funded by the Republican Governors’ Association has spent nearly $100,000 on TV ads for Gov. Phil Scott.

The RGA, a Washington, D.C.-based organization that backs conservative gubernatorial candidates, has poured $225,000 into a PAC called “A Stronger Vermont” this cycle, according to the latest filings with the Vermont Secretary of State’s office.

And you know it’s just great — as far the Scott campaign is concerned — to accept help from the ultra-conservative climate-change-denying Koch machine. Brittney Wilson, Scott’s campaign manager called the money pouring in to the campaign on their behalf a “pleasant surprise.”

And it is all fine, good, and legal because the Scott campaign jokes that they didn’t even know who the Koch brothers (one of the major backers of the RGA and giant[$]force  in the GOP for years) were. And naturally if you believe that you can believe there is never a slight bit of co-ordination between them. But for the Koch’s latest buy-in to the Scott for Governor campaign Brittney sent her heartfelt thanks and approval loud and clear via the media: “They really did a nice job running ads that portrayed the governor in a fashion that he wants to be portrayed,” she said of the ads the RGA ran for Scott’s 2016 campaign.

So, Vermont, I guess there’s just nothing to see here. And what could Phil Scott possibly be doing that might fall in line with the Koch agenda? I mean other than oppose his own commission’s carbon tax recommendation, just for one example. But he’d never go so far or be as stupid as Florida Governor Rick Scott (no familial connection that we know of, just political and philosophical brothers) and try to edit climate-change language from any state documents.  … Oh wait … come to think of it Phil’s administration did do that.

All it takes is a little Koch $$$$ to teach the world to sing in perfect conservative harmony — with the occasional anti-Trump sour note and copious coughing from fossil-fuel smog.