Huffington Post locks out everyone that doesn’t have a Facebook account

So today at 1 PM EDT, without any warning, Huffington Post locked out millions of their users.

A month ago they announced that new accounts would have to be ‘verified’, and there was a huge uproar.  They lied then when they said that existing accounts would be grandfathered in.  Today, without warning, they shut off access to all existing accounts that were not linked to a verified Facebook account, and arrogantly told their users that ONLY Facebook users are allowed to post there anymore.

50% of Americans don’t have a Facebook account. I don’t use Facebook because I refuse to support Zuckerborg, the radical extremist right-winger that owns that company, in his quest to sell your deepest secrets to the highest bidder.

Which means I, and many, many others are locked out of HuffPo forever.

7 thoughts on “Huffington Post locks out everyone that doesn’t have a Facebook account

  1. I also refuse to conform & become a digital prisoner, another fixture or prop in Zuckerborgs cybesandbox or dwell in Facebukistan. The privacy violations of Facebook & Google as well as GMail are breathtaking. That they have been merrily sharing private info with government shows them for the sneaky scumbags they are & always were. “Do no evil” when the Google boys said that it was the aha they sure said a mouthful. Thank you Mr Snowden! We always knew but now we know.

    Keep fighting the good fight, the mission lives on.  

  2. about curtailing US spy program carried out by NSA are beginning, not to worry! HuffPo teaming up with Facebook makes sure they now legally can have your full name as well as your telephone number – used to “confirm” the new accoun. So Facebook & Huffpo pick up where our NSA spies, government aka cyber data thieves left off.

    – emphasis

    The site’s new commenting system, explained by Tim Mcdonald, HuffPost’s director of community, requires users to have a Facebook account:

    Here’s how to get started under this new system. When you log in to your account and go to make a comment, you will be prompted to link your commenting account to your verified Facebook account. Then, choose how you’d like your name to be displayed. You can either display your first and last names, or your first name and last initial. This is the only information that will be viewable to the community at large, and you will have control over your private information via Facebook’s privacy settings.

    How do you get your Facebook account verified? You have to enter a confirmation code sent to you by Facebook via text message. So to comment on Huffington Post, you need to give Facebook your phone number, and you need to give HuffPost access to your Facebook account which, Facebook says, must list your real name. Then, you can choose to post HuffPost comments under your full name or just your first name and last initial

  3. Frankly, I have little interest in Huff Post anymore; and no desire to comment.  

    Of course there are still some good writers participating, but they are virtually drowned out by all the tabloid-style junk.  Makes it tough to visit the site to hunt for the good stuff.

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