BREAKING: Republicans are lying about background check legislation

Here's a shock for you. Just a few weeks after taking their big stand against gun control on the principle of preserving our sacred constitutional rights, a growing list of Republican senators are lying about what they voted for and against.

Specifically, as Talking Points Memo is reporting, more and more Republicans who filibustered the new gun control proposal are trying to peddle the bogus claim that they were actually in favor of an improved background check system. Republicans who are taking this approach are Rob Portman, Jeff Flake from Arizona, and Kelly Ayotte, from across the river in New Hampshire.

 In fact, Ayotte (and nearly every Republican senator) voted to block the Manchin-Toomey legislation to expand background checks. Instead she voted for a substitute Republican measure to include more mental health reporting in the FBI criminal background check system and permit recovered mentally ill people to buy a gun.

As you may have noticed, the anti gun control, anti background check position has proven to be unpopular among voters, with Ayotte in particular getting heavy criticism during home visits

If they were so sure they were right, and standing on principle, wouldn't you think they wouldn't have to lie about their positions? 

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