Atrocities–My New Facebook ‘Friend’

Afghanistan.  The Pashtun people and the Talibans?  Piss on them all, man.  

Like when I was in the Nam–two fucking tours–we shot every fucking thing that moved.  Old women and old men, little kids and babies, the livestock, and the young girls after we had some good healthy American fun with them.  And then we burned it all.

The joke was:  You take all the friendlies out on ships in the South China Sea.  Then you bomb the country flat.  Then you sink the ships.

That’s what we should have done.  Except, back then, all you whining liberals and peace creeps and hippies and media fuckers wouldn’t let us.  So we lost the war.

Still, we got in our licks.  Most of you dumb shits still think My Lai was something special.  Shit, we did that all over.  Every fucking day.  Since ’65.  How the fuck do you think over 3 million of them gooks got greased?  I mean, yeah, the planes, the choppers, and the artillery boys did most of it, but us guys on the ground finished up for them.  19 here, 67 there, 142 there–all over the goddamn country.  Every day, like I said, for years.  They were just fucking slopes, gooks.  And all of them Charlie.  And having babies to make more Charlies.  So, we shot them all.  And burned their villes, and destroyed their rice crops, and made good and goddamn sure nobody gave us any shit about it.  Right on up to Westmoreland.  Hell, he helped us cover it all up.  He was a dumbass shit for a commanding General, but smart enough to know you can’t have a good body count and look like you’re winning if you declare 90% of your kills to be fucking civilians.  When, in fact, like I said, they’re just all Charlies anyway.  Man, what we could have done if we didn’t have to look over our shoulders all the time for some goddamn TV crew.

So, Afghanistan?  Hope the guys there are on the program.  If they’re smart and want to get through it, they will be.  I got some laughs out of it already when all the fuss was made about pissing on those Korans, and the two little kids zapped by a chopper, and the women…yeah.  You whiny fuckers send us over there to kill for you, and then you don’t like hearing about it, do you?  Terrorists?  Talibans?  Yeah, like VC.  Over 3 million of them.  That’s how you get the terrorists.  Kill them all.

I also get a kick out of this drone shit.  I mean, you assholes expect them things not to kill civilians?  Hell.  Just like a B-52 strike.  You kill enough of them, you’ll get some Talibans in the body count.  How the fuck do you think war works?  

What’s that?  You don’t want to hear about it?  Tough shit, pussies.  Torture?  I say torture the whole fucking Afghanistan nation.  And Pakistan too.  Then, sink the ships.  It’s a fucking war.  An all out free fire zone.  Our boys are dying over there.  You expect them to take that shit?

Anyway, you peace fucks are gonna screw them all over when they come back home, just like you did me and my buddies.  So, they might as well go on full auto over there and git some.  As long as it’s all covered up, and as long as you don’t want to hear about it, and as long as all of you want to pretend you’re better than us while you go on electing asshole shits like Obama and then act like you NEVER HEARD of Afghanistan.  Like you never heard of Vietnam back when.  There it is.

If me and my buddies weren’t so old and fucked-up, we’d go over there and give our boys some pointers.  Maybe when they come back, if it’s soon enough, me and my buddies and them can get together.  You know, form like a club.  What would you fuckers think of that?  I mean, you can sort of get to like it.  You know, killing.  And it doesn’t matter who you kill really.  I mean, you’re all just a bunch of goddamn gooks and slopes and dinks too.  Right?  Yeah, full auto.  And the women…  Maybe you fuckers should stop whining about those drones.  You may need them someday.  Right over here.

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.


3 thoughts on “Atrocities–My New Facebook ‘Friend’

  1. I commented I watched this entire vid:

    George Carlin – National Press Club [complete]  


    Here he is of sh**ing on them all as they politely laugh. You kind of remind me of him- both Yorkers. What a truthteller neither rightwingers or liberals get any sympathy from George. A true independent freethinker.


    Dennis Miller interviews George Carlin (1997)  


    George Carlin on the bigger dick foreign policy in The Persian Gulf  


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