Simply Stated: Dick Cheney

 It is unlikely he is a robot. But Cheney was once described this way by Jon Stewart:

“this guy was wrong every time … you try that at work, see if you get to keep your job.”

So given his past record of being wrong on everything foreign policy-wise, doesn’t it stand to reason Republican congressmen would invite Cheney to share his unique insights on the new leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Un?

Cheney attended a leadership meeting in the office of Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio before walking to the office of Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy of California to speak with the GOP whip team. He came at the behest of McCarthy, according to aides and members.

We don’t know exactly what Dick’s thoughts from the private Republican Congressional leadership meeting were as they are not being made public. However, one Florida congressman who attended the meeting said the former Vice President emphasized that we cannot underestimate the North Koreans and

Our intel on him is sketchy at best. He’s young, so he doesn’t have a track record, and don’t eliminate any possibility of what his intentions are: blackmail, actual use of force, or using it as a [bargaining] chip.

Sure, Republican’s can’t wait to take advice from Cheney, the one who once said confidently:

Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction


Considering his past association with sketchy intelligence, not to mention the war-profiteering by his former firm, Halliburton,  it is now kind of a shift to read he is worried about “intel” being “sketchy.” Cheney, after all, still maintains forcefully that if given the chance, he would enter and conduct the Iraq War the same way all over again.

His sole correct position is on a domestic issue (marriage equality), almost certainly because he has a lesbian daughter. Then again, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

And, it should be noted, nobody is asking Dubya, his former putative boss, for advice.

3 thoughts on “Simply Stated: Dick Cheney

  1. the pool of GOPers who have even a clue about the greater world (beyond China and the oil states) is growing  smaller and smaller.  

    They’re down to Dick Cheney, who has actually made the occasional state visit to other countries, and Sara Palin, who legendarily said you could see Russia from her backyard.

    Apparently Sara wasn’t available.

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