Help me understand this

The budget cuts caused by the federal sequestration have been in effect for a month now, and some of them are starting to roll out to the communities where those dollars were going to be spent, and now I'm confused.


Now don't tell me I don't understand economics, because I do. I listen to the Republicans year after year, so I know what works and what doesn't. And like Republicans, the one thing I know for sure is this:


“The government doesn't create jobs,” – Mitt Romney, October 16.


So can you explain what Republican congressman Dennis Ross is talking about when he doesn't want the FAA to shut down the control tower at his local airport?


The state’s largest convention, SUN ‘n FUN, which is held in April at Lakeland Linder Airport, not only provides incredible economic value to Lakeland, but it serves our children by investing $1.4 million dollars annually in education. It is unacceptable to close this important control tower. 


Maybe he needs Mitt Romney to explain to him, one more time, that the government doesn't create jobs.

One thought on “Help me understand this

  1. You can always tell when Luntz has put a concept through his very effective opinion testing machinery: it suddenly appears as a mantra across the entire right wing-osphere.

    “Government doesn’t create jobs” became mantra just as people started discussing the need for a new New Deal, complete with a re-creation of the Works Progress Administration. It would have resolved the massive joblessness problem by using tax dollars to pay people directly for doing work we need as a nation – fixing bridges, repairing roads, maintaining public buildings, etc.

    The reason they needed a mantra to combat such an undertaking: they’ve spent 30 years depicting government and government programs as useless wastes of tax dollars. If a program had put people to work, putting food on their tables and keeping roofs over their heads, it would have shown that the right-wing claims are lies.  

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