Voices of Fukushima to commemorate 2-year anniversary of disaster

Voices of Fukushima to commemorate 2-year anniversary of disaster

by Press Release | March 5, 2013


March 4, 2013


Leslie Sullivan Sachs contact@sagealliance.net

Details: www.safeandgreencampaign.org/action-center/voices-of-fukushima

As the heartbreaking stories of the victims and evacuees surface, the SAGE Alliance is coordinating a three-day series of events to honor the people and acknowledge the horrific Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear facility explosion that began on March 11, 2011. Citizens are determined to make sure a similar disaster does not happen in New

England. “Voices of Fukushima,” three days of events, are being coordinated by the SAGE Alliance, a collective of citizen groups organizing to close Entergy Nuclear Vermont Yankee through nonviolent direct action.

Soon after the disasters on March 11, 2011 a solemn vigil of 600 people gathered at Vermont Yankee in solidary with the people of Japan. Last year, hundreds of residents walked six miles in a mock evacuation from Vermont Yankee to Brattleboro, to honor the Fukushima evacuees. This year, a solemn vigil at the gates of Entergy Vermont Yankee (546 Governor Hunt Rd, Vernon, VT) will take place on Sunday March 10th from 11am-Noon.

In addition, we are taking to our own town greens, farmers markets, and street corners to say: “We are the voices of Fukushima. Fukushimna ghost towns could be our ghost towns.” Six towns are adopting a Fukushima sister city for a day and will share the evacuation stories that are being suppressed by the US media. Putney and Brattleboro, VT, Hanover, NH, Amherst, Greenfield, and Wendell, MA will honor towns like their own in Fukushima’s exclusion zone.

Press release includes some stories and additional info-too much to post here. Sorry this is so late, it dropped off the PR list @ VTDigger & I forgot. Still activities for Monday though.


Safe & Green:



2 thoughts on “Voices of Fukushima to commemorate 2-year anniversary of disaster

  1. If you have a first-hand report about how one of these events went down, we’d love it if you could share it on GMD.

  2. Thanks for the offer. We have some video, photos and quotes. What is the best format to pass that on? Just comment here? or I could email you & you could pick and choose what you’d like to include & how.

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