St. Lenore, First Amendment Martyr, Suffers Brutal Paparazzi Assault

Congrats to Seven Days for bagging an Election Eve scoop — getting a photo of the notoriously camera-shy Lenore Broughton, benefactor of far-right causes including Super PAC Vermonter(s) First.

The photo, which can be seen here (I won’t post it because they got the shot, they deserve the page views), was taken by photographer Andy Duback today at a Burlington City Hall elevator. He just managed to capture Broughton’s grim visage as the elevator doors were closing.

Just before they closed, Broughton had a message for the shutterbug: “You’re awful.”  Which, as far as I can remember, is her most extensive communication with the media this year.

I can hardly wait for the howls of outrage from the likes of Rob Roper. Assault by camera! Suppression of First Amendment rights! Harassing a frail old woman (work with me, Lenore) who merely wanted to express her opinions! Left-wing thuggery!

To which I would reply, oh, go soak your head. Broughton was in a public building, on her way to attending a public meeting of the Board of Registration of Voters (she’s one of nine members). She had her picture taken. Get over it.  

17 thoughts on “St. Lenore, First Amendment Martyr, Suffers Brutal Paparazzi Assault

  1. that Ayn Rand look in her eyes just a bit more subdued, who assures the world of the existance of reality whether we are conscious of it or not. Brilliant!

    Ayn Rand has got to be one of the worlds biggest frauds of all time. The brazeness of the sh** she shovels & those who buy it are astonishing. She has to be rolling in her grave laughing at these fools who continue to champion her dog-eat-dog philosophy.  

  2. They finally showed us the face that launched hundreds of thousands of dollars into the misinformation sphere.

    Looks like Ms. Broughton will be wearing her shades tomorrow at Edmunds Middle School.

  3. She wants all this influence but she doesn’t want to play the game.  Too bad.  Her actions have made her a public figure, so she has to take the bad with the good.  Looking forward to hearing Rob Roeper try and paint her as a victim.

  4. Um, I think you’re all missing the point:

    Broughton was in a public building, on her way to attending a public meeting of the Board of Registration of Voters (she’s one of nine members). [emphasis added]

    This teabagger spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to finance a campaign of disinformation, whose chosen party is engaged in voter suppression efforts, and she’s on the Board that oversees voter registration for the biggest city in Vermont, the one with the most ethnic, religious, and racial minorities!!

    Forget the self-congratulations at getting her photo – look at what she’s DOING!


    We now know that government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob. ~ FDR

  5. I am happy GMD & 7Days are having fun. And as a daily GMD reader, I think this is just plain silly and a waste of space. Yes, Lenore B’s impacts on campaigns needed to be brought to light, and GMD / 7Days have done that – daily, with a sledgehammer; I stopped reading those posts.

    Sad to say, GMD for me has fallen into the same category as trad media on elections & campaigns — same story, over and over; token diversity of voices on coverage/opinion of the interesting campaigns and issues out there. The piece on the Franklin County candidate was a refreshing change — too bad it’s posted the day of the election.

    Looking forward to post-election GMD moving on to its variety of voice and topics.

  6. No wonder she didn’t want her picture taken; she has the stricken-looking face of a woman who realizes that, in her sunset years, she’s thrown away a chunk of her inherited fortune on a bunch of losers.

  7. Front Pagers, as well as all contributers in comments & diaries past & present for the hard work, sharp insights & collective wisdom.

    Little if anything escapes the watchful eyes of those who post here. Keep up the great work, the ingrates don’t really matter much.

    I would love to see any one of the negative naysayers start their own blog, it’s not as easy as it looks. And, no one is holding a gun to anyones head-all are free to leave or simply not come here in the first place.    

  8. More then fine to take her photo in a public building, transacting public business. But nobody’s house should be picketed.

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