VOTE! (2%-3rd Party; 1%-Undecided)

Yes, as of today, that’s what the Rasmussen Poll says–49% for Romney, 48% for Obama, 2% Third Parties, and 1% undecided???  SPOOKY.

Well, it looks like we could get us a genuine Fuhrer for President by the early hours of the 7th.  Lucky Americans, we are.  We know the Fuhrer will make sure WalMarts open on time for those great sales we hit the streets for in the hundreds of thousands.  And he won’t take any shit from Muslims, Russia, China (well, maybe a little there), unions, women, workers, children, dogs, immigrants, gays, the elderly, the disabled, the war vets, teachers, scientists and researchers, artists, the sick, the homeless, the pimps, the pushers, and the peace ninnies.

No sir.  If America elects the Herr Mittster tomorrow, we’re gonna see a New America.  One that historians will be writing about long after…hey, wait…there won’t be any historians anymore.  Or anything or anyone left to write about.  ‘Cept a bunch of very very rich people living it up underground, waiting for the day they can crawl out from under their rocks, look around, lift their martinis and say:  “It’s all ours!  At last!  Wish we had saved some of those dumb assholes who made it possible way back in 2016 to clean up around here.  Damn.”

Well, perhaps the Fuhrer will think of something.  He has A PLAN, right?  But what if he doesn’t?  Oh my.  I know.  That 2% and that 1%.  Plenty enough labor force there.  Yeah.  And quite suitable for the task.  Perhaps I should still consider writing in Roseanne?  Nah.  I don’t want to live under a rock.  Oh well.  Goodbye U.S.A.  Goodbye Earth.  

And long live The Fucking Revolution.  The one that said:  “There’s just no difference, and who gives a shit anyway.  Hand me my shovel.”

(Boy, I am getting like so really pissed at this country.  Sigh.  If you’re a Dumb Selfish Asshole, do you die slower?  Or does it just seem that way?  I guess we shall see.)

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt    

3 thoughts on “VOTE! (2%-3rd Party; 1%-Undecided)

  1. For the last decade. They were once an ok polling organization, but then they switched over to the dark side and never came back. I’m not putting any faith in their polling.

    That doesn’t negate the need for GOTV – not only is it still a close race, the more people vote, the better we’ll do in down-ticket races, too. GOTV is essential, even if Rasmussen is a bunch of wankers.

  2. 538 blog is here. I have sought solace there each time I have imagined Romneys ghoulish (as described by a Politico writer) face & his stepford-like wife waving from Air Force 1.

    Nationwide polls do not really matter as most are solidly R or D and likely will be for sometime to come, like VT. Those who do matter, will affect & decide the race are the ones w/large electorals who represent swing voters.

    Increased early voting has reportedly favored Dems. Fortunately we also have Gary Johnson, another weirdo, siphoning votes which very likely would go to Romney.

    I have also seen Rasmussen as widely discredited. Funny, I’ve never trusted Scott Rasmussen.

    Plus, I’m praying hard & I have faith.


  3. November 6, 2012, 1:43 am 1112 Comments

    Nov. 5: Late Poll Gains for Obama Leave Romney With Longer Odds


    Mitt Romney has always had difficulty drawing a winning Electoral College hand. Even during his best period of polling, in the week or two after the first presidential debate in Denver, he never quite pulled ahead in the polling averages in Ohio and other states that would allow him to secure 270 electoral votes.

    But the most recent set of polls suggest another problem for Mr. Romney, whose momentum in the polls stalled out in mid-October. Instead, it is President Obama who is making gains.


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