Has Vermonters First dropped Vince Illuzzi?

Lenore Broughton’s conservative Super PAC, Vermonters First, has reported another big media buy to the Secretary of State’s office.

And guess who’s not on their advertising list? VTDigger:

The super PAC has spent $39,330 on ads to support 41 Republican or independent candidates for the Vermont Senate and the Vermont House of Representatives.

…In addition, Vermonters First has bought $28,037 worth of advertising on Wendy Wilton.

But not a sou for Vince.

This could be a simple fluke. It’s one report, and VF will almost certainly continue to buy ad time. But I see a lot of VF web ads while I’m trolling for Vermont news. And while I’ve seen a lot of issue ads attacking “Montpelier” and some backing Wendy Wilton, I haven’t seen a single one for Vince Illuzzi since VF had to withdraw its web ads that featured the Vermont state seal.

But if VF has stepped back from Vince, it could mean a number of things. We know VF just spent $17K on polling, so they presumably have a pretty clear picture of the campaigns. Maybe they’ve decided he’s a shoo-in, or a likely loser. Maybe they’re going all-in on Wilton, either because they smell blood in the water or because she’s a better ideological fit with VF.

One thing I do know: We won’t find out anything from the man in the trenchcoat, Tayt Brooks, International Man of Mystery. Oh no, the doings of Vermonters First are a state secret. Just like the face of Lenore Broughton.  

4 thoughts on “Has Vermonters First dropped Vince Illuzzi?

  1. Vince Illuzzi is a reasonable Republican who has been critical of the 47% approach Mitt Romney has taken. It’s quite possible that he has reached out to Vermonters First and asked for distance, first because the association might hurt his attempt to play to the center, and second because he might be genuinely offended by the approach Vermonters First is taking. It would be nice to hear him speak to the question.

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