A Healthcare Reform Analogy

Randy Brock’s facebook shared the link to VT Digger’s Fact Checker story about the “single biggest tax hike in history” claim being labeled as “True”. Here’s my response:

While the as yet still undeveloped Single Payer system will funnel the consumer payment and payment delivery to providers through government (possibly via a partnership with some private insurer(s)) the great benefit for us working stiffs is that it would take health insurance premiums out of our monthly budgets (not to mention our employers).

Raising the alarm about this “single biggest tax hike” is a lot like saying to someone who is on the lot at a car dealership shopping for a new car “They are going to take your old car away!” without them understanding that by doing so they are giving you the opportunity to get a new one with a lower monthly payment.  

One thought on “A Healthcare Reform Analogy

  1. what Brock and the GOP meme-machine are characterizing as a “tax hike” is not a tax, but simply a shift in who administers our health insurance payments.

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