OW OW OW MY EYES part 2: The Big Reveal!!!

For those of you whose eyeballs aren’t permanently seared shut by the ghastly political advertisement reproduced in my previous post, well, I’ve got another one for you.

And now I have realized the genius behind this ghastly explosion of bad web design.

The answer… and again, to protect the kiddies, the disturbingly inept image… after the jump.  

Oh God oh God oh God, the pain, the pain.

Hmm, something familiar about this catastrophe. Eyeball-searing clash of color, check. Vermont flag for no particular reason, check. Mishmosh of fonts, check. Beginner’s level ad design, check.

And the topper: truly ghastly nightmare-fuel photo of candidate, check. Good grief, is that Vince Illuzzi or is it a still of Bela Lugosi taken from one of Ed Wood’s terrible movies? I can practically hear the mitteleuropean mellifluosity intoning, “I shall feast upon your flesh at midnight! AH, HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA!!!”

Really, this photo makes the Wendy Wilton image look positively welcoming by comparison.

Huh. Two appalling ads, designed in precisely the same way. And that’s when I noticed the fine print at the bottom of both ads:


That’s right, we have Tayt Brooks, International Man of Mystery, to thank for visiting these horrors upon our Internets.

Makes me feel better about the political acumen of the far right’s Great White Hope. If this is his idea of effective presentation, then he’s gonna flush a whole lot of Lenore Broughton’s money down the toilet.  

One thought on “OW OW OW MY EYES part 2: The Big Reveal!!!

  1. Yeah, this one is even more awful than Wilton’s eyesore.

    In fact, it’s almost as if someone deliberately countermanded all the rules of design; which leads me to wonder whether someone is playing a rather costly joke on Mr. Brooks…or did Mr. Brooks cut a few cost corners and design these turkeys himself?

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