Sesame Street

Sesame Street is urban, multicultural, and very diverse. Where people are always teaching each other new things.

It’s not a gated community full of rich white people whose kids go to private prep schools. It’s a place where people don’t have stock options to cash in so they can finish school without having to work part time or take out huge loans. It’s not a place where daddy can help you buy a nice house in the college part of town. Or where you can own a horse and take a ‘loss’ on it that is worth more than many American’s homes.

People who live on Sesame Street run the spectrum of our country. Some of them are the ‘47%’, some own small businesses, some are immigrants learning the language of the land, some are second and third and fourth generation Americans making the best they can for their kids.  Some are grandparents. Same sex couples. Some are people who work in factories. Own the corner store. Take the subway to work.  Send their kids to public school. Try to save for college. Sign up for the volunteer fire department.. Volunteer to serve in the armed forces. Teach at the local high school. Work 2 jobs if needed to make it all work.

Sesame Street, it is the street the Romneys lock their car doors on when trying to get home to the burbs.

No wonder he wants to shut it down. The people that live on Sesame Street will never vote for him.  

2 thoughts on “Sesame Street

  1. Perhaps a President Romney would have PBS have kids shows like “Trust Fund Street” or “Offshore Avenue” or “Rich Kids Barbershop Funhouse” or “Not On Our Street” or “Let’s Make A Big Bonfire Out Of Money And Then Run Like Rich Little Bastards All The Way To The ATM For More Street” or “Leave It To The One Percent Street.”

    The sonofabitch wants to put Big Bird on top of his car and then drive through a low tunnel.  I find it astounding that ANYONE would vote for an SOB who would abolish educational programing for our children.  Oh, I know…he has a PLAN–these little kiddies should be out WORKING, like CHINESE LITTLE KIDDIES, cause he wants to INVEST in America.  

  2. A truly caring person with a plan to better the 100% in our country, engaged in a conversation with the electorate does not need to ‘humanize’ himself, an uncaring selfish bon vivant suit does. It isn’t working.

    Bottle-blonde wife failed miserably in her attempt to make this happen. The arrogance displayed by these two is as stunning as their obvious desperation.  

    Ann Romney was so angry with reporters covering her husband’s chaotic foreign trip in August that she had to be held back from yelling at them, the New York Times reported Wednesday.

    Sky Blu, whose given name is Skyler Gordy, says in a video posted Friday on that he was trying to go to sleep when he leaned his seat back in the coach section of a the Vancouver-to-Los Angeles flight Monday. He says Romney loudly told him several times to straighten it, as is required until takeoff under commercial flight regulations.

    Then, he says, Romney reached forward and grabbed his shoulder.

    Apparently Sky is a 47 percenter. Would he have done that to one of his vulture capitalist buddies? I don’t think so. His hatreds are clear, actions speak louder than words.  

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