Smells like dead fish: Salmon’s parting shot

Just a quickie on something I caught over at VT Digger, by parting has-been/never-was/oh-forget-it auditor Tom Salmon, who, if you follow these kinds of things, never has a shortage of ridiculous things to say.

Given that “good judgment” is generally absent in most of Salmon’s actions, he chose to leave us on a high note.It starts of like “blah-blah-Constitution-blah-blah’, then jumps to a tired old “class warfare” talking point:

Any group trying to whip young people into frenzy over unfairness, in the name of the Constitution, is manipulating, especially if the result finds people skirting their responsibilities. This is not a time to blame others for the imperfections of a nation, but to foster and maintain accountability as American citizens.

Methinks that Salmon’s missed the big point that those he’s accusing of “blaming others” are those very same people fostering and maintaining the accountability he’s talking about. Not to outdo himself (and I don’t know if he’s just got great timing, or what), he channels Mitt Romney:

Currently, we have a nation where approximately half the people vote and half the people pay income taxes. This is a strange contract, or form of participation, since government spending in Vermont for citizens ($2.245 billion in 2000, $5.125 billion in 2013 according to nonpartisan has virtually exploded in its efforts to serve the people.

At least he said “income tax”. He closes it out by wagging a finger at us, and implores us to think of the Constitution and make sure we are “doing our job” and “upholding our personal responsibilities”. Given Salmon’s abysmal track record, like Mitt Romney, it’s apparent that self-awareness is not one of his strong points. Nice knowin’ ya, Tom.

Not really.

2 thoughts on “Smells like dead fish: Salmon’s parting shot

  1. 47% of American People don’t pay in income tax because:

    1) The Republicans, in their zeal to cut taxes as much as possible, placed the very income minimums in place that lead to low-income Americans not having to pay taxes.

    2) Since the days of Saint Ronald Reagan the Republican Party has been systematically prompting businesses to reduce wages, such that the average income is a miniscule $50-something thousand a year!  That means that the average income level is at the bottom of the middle-class range!  Or 50% of the American People are no longer middle class or higher!

    These are the natural results of inhumane Republican policies that are intended to impoverish the vast majority of The People and enrich a tiny few.

    Salmon should look to blame his recently adopted party’s sociopathic policies, not those that his party has intentionally made poor.

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