Bill Sorrell–“The Supreme Court Says It’s OK”

“Just a brief statement here, folks.  I won’t be taking any questions.  

“Three important clarifications I want to make.  First, in regards to all this fuss Mr. Donovan has raised about the $99,000 ads funded by a PAC group associated with the Democratic Attorney General’s Association, I refer Mr. Donovan to the January, 2010 U.S. Supreme Court decision on campaign finance and the freedom of speech of the people.  As your Attorney General, I faithfully follow the rule of law, the law as defined by the highest court in the nation.  I will not, I repeat NOT, stand in the way of freedom of speech.  The Committee For Fairness And Justice has every right, under the law of the land, to spend as much as they feel necessary to support my campaign.  That’s why it’s called fairness and justice.

“Second.  Yes, I got about $6000 in donations from employees of the Vermont Attorney General’s

office.  Doesn’t this suggest to Mr. Donovan that I run a happy ship?  Doesn’t this outpouring of support by AG employees tell everyone that I’m doing something right?  I want to thank those employees of the Attorney General’s office for their courage and generosity.  I think all Vermonters feel it’s important to have a workplace environment wherein your boss is so beloved that you will give him, not only your loyalty, but also your hard earned money.  

“And third.  I want to say to the people of Vermont that on August 29th I will begin my campaign for November.  And I’m looking forward to it because, you see, this Donovan fellow has been a real pain in the ass and has distracted me from the important Vermont Attorney Generaling I need to do.  Now, with Jack McMullen running for AG for the Republicans, hell, I’ll have plenty of time to work on my Vermont Yankee appeal, sharpen pencils, go shopping for Attorney General clothes, study up on how to follow and uphold the rulings of the U. S. Supreme Court, and maybe do a guest appearance on Saturday Night Live.  From St. Albans.

“Oh.  Just one more thing.  Some voters out there may be thinking that I’m taking them for granted. That I’ve been in office so long and so used to getting re-elected that my campaign may have reflected possibly a certain amount of contempt for the voters and the democratic process?  Well…geez…what do you want me to do?  Act like I’m scared of losing my job?  Bust my chops over a goddamn primary race that shouldn’t even be happening in the first place?  Kiss your asses?  Hell, I know you, and you know me.  TJ Who?  That’s right.  You KNOW what I’m capable of.  But this other guy, who knows what’s on his agenda?  I mean, think of it–just the fact that he’s trying to unseat me, to go after the job I’ve been doing for the last FIFTEEN YEARS, to overturn all of your votes from those last fifteen years and therefore undermine the democratic process that you have faithfully followed, what, I ask, does that say about contempt?  Be careful.  And trust me. I’m your Attorney General.  I know stuff.  It’s just that it would be against the law of the land to tell you the stuff I know.  I have, in effect, gagged myself to protect the integrity of my office and your trust.  In a public servant, what more could you want?

“Thank you for your time.  I’m Bill Sorrell and I approve this message.”    

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.