John Walters: “There’s all this stuff that’s out there that shows you what’s really going on”

(As always Mike Abadi gets to the heart of the scene, here in an interview with GMD front pager John Walters. Enjoy! – promoted by NanuqFC)

John Walters has been a GMD Frontpager since December, and he has been incisive and prolific. Oh what the hell, I’ll also call him “two-fisted” in case he ever seeks higher office. But seriously, his background in print, radio, and as an author have immeasurably enriched the GMD reading experience.

We spent a fair amount of time discussing the keeps getting more interesting Attorney General’s race. In an odd convergence, The AG quoted John at his campaign kick off event as John was documenting the burnishing of Bill Sorrell’s wikipedia entry.

Our focus moved to some other stories John’s followed: Paul LePage’s visit to Vermont, Randy Brock’s campaign, and “Lismania,” the Campaign for Vermont fever that is (was) sweeping the state. John approaches his work with such care and wit that the result is nutritious and delicious.

We took some time to discuss John’s book Roads Less Traveled: Visionary New England Lives. This collection of life stories is tied together by the idea that “the pursuit, the vision, is more important than the reward.” So if you pick up the book, you may be “encouraged to pursue your own Road Less Traveled.”

As we enter campaign season, John’s work will be indispensable in helping sort out the truth, the lies, the half-truths, the white lies and the hypocrisy.

2 thoughts on “John Walters: “There’s all this stuff that’s out there that shows you what’s really going on”

  1. I can hear myself now

    I have been called someone who always gets to the heart of the scene

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