July 1st Independence From Entergy Action: Pedal Power & A Trojan Cow

( – promoted by Sue Prent)

People Pedal Independence From Entergy During July 1st Rally & Action

On July 1 the people of the tri-state community will show their resolve and a commitment to a clean energy future.  This is a commitment to rid ourselves of a corporation that holds itself above the laws of the state of Vermont.   “We will gain our independence from this untrustworthy corporation.  Citizens will return again and again until Entergy shuts down and safely decommissions Vermont Yankee,” said Deb Katz, Executive Director of the Citizens Awareness Network.


People from across Vermont, Massachusetts and New Hampshire will declare independence from the Entergy Corporation (ENR) during a July 1st rally and non-violent act of civil disobedience.  Organizers plan a 10:00 AM rally with short speeches and performance taking place at the Brattleboro Common, Brattleboro, VT.  This will be followed by a bicycle procession to Vernon, VT and nonviolent direct action at the gates of the Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor. Those unable to bike from Brattleboro will be taken by bus to Vernon. Participants risking arrest will be trained in nonviolence and part of an affinity group.

“Citizens are declaring their independence from Entergy and its systemically mismanaged reactor.  The state of Vermont has already replaced the power that Vermont Yankee provided,” said  Debra Stoleroff of the Vermont Yankee Decommissioning Alliance  “We must aggressively move away from polluting forms of energy use and towards efficiency, conservation and renewable solutions.   We must hold this corporation accountable for its leaks, lies, arrogance and waste.”

As the Entergy vs. the State of Vermont case winds its way through the courts and the Public Service Board opens a new hearing on whether Entergy can receive a CPG from the state, Vermont Yankee continues to operate at reduced power due to reliability and deferred maintenance issues.  “While Entergy wields its temporary power in court, citizens will continue to demonstrate our actual power on the streets. We are not going away until Entergy closes up and cleans up,” said Bob Bady of the Safe & Green Campaign.

We intend to provide Entergy with a going away present at the gates of Vermont Yankee. This will include an elaborate presentation of a 14′ x 8′ Trojan Cow weighing 600 lbs, designed by Vermont sculptor Ria Blaas.

“As a declaration of our independence from Entergy Corp, a ‘gift’ will be given to signify our moving on.  Entergy Vermont Yankee is no longer relevant,” said Katz.

Organized by the SAGE Alliance. For details and updates, go to www.sagealliance.net or www.facebook/shutdownvermontyankee


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