Jim Douglas needs a proofreader, Randy Brock needs a webmaster

Slow Sunday night, and I just paid a visit to Randy Brock’s website. Call me a glutton for punishment, I guess.

Couldn’t help noticing Jim Douglas’ endorsement of Randy, which starts off with this sentence.

No race this year is as important to the future of Vermont than electing Randy Brock governor.

My inner grammarian let out a loud guffaw.

There are a total of three — count ’em, three — endorsements on Randy Brock’s website. They are from Jim Douglas, Phil Scott, and Brian Dubie. Speaking of the ex-Lt. Gov., his endorsement begins with this curious sentence.

I wish I could be with you today, but my work takes me out of state.

This endorsement was first delivered at Brock’s campaign kickoff — and, indeed, Brian Dubie was absent due to the urgency of his “work.” The rest of the endorsement is perfectly acceptable. So why in God’s name did Brock’s genius staffers fail to simply omit that first sentence? It makes absolutely no sense.  

Overall, the new improved Randy Brock website appears to be unchanged since it was unveiled with a big splash about three weeks ago. The endorsements are the same sad uncorrected threesome. The listing of Events still includes only three “meet and greets” at the homes of supporters; if Brock is giving any speeches, nobody’s bothering to post them on his website.

The “News” page is similarly bereft. The last entry was on May 25, and it’s a link to a Vermont Press Bureau article about Brock’s health care plan. I guess he’s making no news.

And yes, the home page still opens up with that stupid “bears in the woods” ad.

Apparently, nobody’s minding the store at randybrock.com.

I do note that Brock is making progress on Twitter. Painfully slow and boring progress, to be sure. He’s up to 89 followers. Wowee. His Tweets are infrequent and dull; things like “Hope I see you at the Memorial Day parade,” or “Here’s a link to my interview on VPR.”

Yep, Randy Brock… building a bridge to the 20th Century.  

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