There is a Bear in the Woods

(This bears watching.   – promoted by kestrel9000)

I’ll reserve comment for below the fold.

There is something beautifully poetic about this new ad out from the Brock campaign and Vermont GOP that they apparently want to raise money to put on television. This beautiful rendition of the 1984 Reagan re-election ad was clearly intended to tug on the hearts of Vermonters who handed Republicans their last victory here at the presidential level – and in doing so, they manage to demonstrate just how little the Republican party has evolved in the past 28 years. No wonder Lisman is emptying his pockets to put a conservative message on television and radio – it’s pretty clear that the Vermont GOP has no idea how to do it on their own.

13 thoughts on “There is a Bear in the Woods

  1. I kept waiting for the Shumlin look alike to go running naked past the camera.

    Talk about a missed opportunity for Brock!

  2. This ad is really pretty badly done. They are trying to be cute but it fails at all levels. The meandering bear images do nothing but keep you from paying attention to the message. Is this even a Vermont bear? Or is this a carpetbagger bear? Waste of money, but that’s never stopped Brock before. What’s money to him anyway?  

  3. A whole lot of fail.

    And why is Brock blaming Shummy for the Cloud Tax that was implemented under Douglas and is not supported by the current governor?

  4. I don’t remember anything that was said in that ad, I was just enjoying the bear.

    What I heard was “Blah blah blah…BEAR…blah blah blah… Shumlin…blah blah blah…Bear.

    Well, I’m all for more nice bear pictures on TV.

  5. Why is the Brock campaign using the out-of-state “Strategy Group for Media”? How does this Brock campaign strategy square with the ad’s claim that “the next generation of Vermonters are having to chase the American dream somewhere else”? Maybe the Brock campaign thinks they’ve all moved to Delaware, OH, home of “Strategy Group for Media”? Or maybe Randy Brock’s just not very good at seeing those dangerous bears lurking in the woods that he’s created.

  6. Brock said, “the next generation of Vermonters are having to chase the American dream somewhere else”

    Well Vermonters have to go elsewhere because Brock refused to hire a Vermont-based media company.

    If Brock was actually concerned with “the next generation of Vermonters are having to chase the American dream somewhere else” then he would have hired some Vermonters.  That Brock didn’t hire Vermonters shows that he doesn’t actually give a crap about “the next generation of Vermonters are having to chase the American dream somewhere else”, and is only exploiting Vermont’s poor for political gain.

    Nobody has to remind me that Republican politicians are sleazy everywhere, even Vermont.

  7. Uses stock photography (and likely copyrighted material) from the world over, at least he hired a VT firm to assemble his website.

    Brock? Are there just no web savvy folks in our state that he could find to work on his message? Or do the GOP consultants here just copy and paste red state graphics to their Facebook pages?

  8. The ad reminds me of the notoriously bad and multiply parodied “There’s a storm coming” ad from the National Organization for Marriage in 2009, warning against marriage equality.

    Check out one parody here.


    Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising  to protect each from the other. ~ Oscar Ameringer

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