Dear Shap: An Issue and a Heartfelt Plea

Dear Shap,

You enjoy a well-earned respect from legislators, members of the Shumlin Administration, and Vermonters along the spectrum of political belief. Some of us may disagree with your handling of this issue or that, but in general, you’ve been effective leader, and a Democrat we can be proud of.

Which is why, despite Vermont’s desperate need for leadership in the Attorney General’s office, we need you to stay where you are.

With TJ Donovan already committed to running in a primary against incumbent Bill Sorrell, we need the stability and leadership you provide to stay on top of things in the House.

Should TJ win, the changeover after such a long period of placeholding and bad advice (campaign finance, for one; sugar-sweetened beverages for another) will stir things up – and your steady hand as a lawmaker will be absolutely necessary.

Should the incumbent win, Vermont and the legislature in particular will need your leadership and guidance on whether a measure under consideration goes too far (since the incumbent has not provided competence in that regard).