The HOPE We Dare Not Speak

President Obama’s so-called “microphone gaffe” is getting a lot of play among Republican pundits, long bored by the interminable squabbling and embarrassments of their own primary season, but look for it on TPM or Huffington Post and you’ll struggle to find it in the queue.

I understand that strategically, I suppose; but as GMD is somewhat off the grid, let’s go where no one else has gone.

When I caught that candid moment with President Medvedev, my heart (no doubt like that of many another liberal) skipped a beat.

Was it just a random accident, or was it, like the hand signal in baseball, signifying a bona fide “change up?”

“After my election, I have more flexibility.”

Yes, there it well may be: the “Lame Duck Declaration of Independence;” a semiphore on the misted horizon, signaling to the weary that some of that “hopey changey stuff” might finally be in store for us in Obama II.

What better way to resurrect the base what brung Obama to the party?

Now, where did I put that lawn sign?

About Sue Prent

Artist/Writer/Activist living in St. Albans, Vermont with my husband since 1983. I was born in Chicago; moved to Montreal in 1969; lived there and in Berlin, W. Germany until we finally settled in St. Albans.

2 thoughts on “The HOPE We Dare Not Speak

  1. …imagine anyone here is so naive to think Obama doesn’t act in a political manner.  And it’s not in the queue of HP and TPM? I guess they think we’re stupid, too?  The fact of the matter is that no one thinks we can handle the truth.  Maybe if they just tried for a minute they’d be surprised how people would respond.

  2. The NDP better concentrate on Congress.  With a Dem majority, maybe Obama will feel he really has to do something.

    Meanwhile, back at the Nuthouse, Gingrich is now asking 50 bucks for his photo at events.  Jesus Christ!  Just the gift for your friends and loved ones:

    “What the Hell is this Peter?”

    “An autographed photo of Rush Limbaugh.  They were on sale–10 cents.  I would have got you an autographed photo of Charlie Manson, but those cost big bucks.”

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