Hearts And Minds

Hey GI, you got cigarettes, candy?

Come on GI, I got sister.

What the fuck was that?

Some kid from Italy I think.

Italy.  Fuckin’ Italy!


Like in A Walk In The Sun

Fightin’ the Battle of Tibet.

Never saw that one.

Shithole country.

I wouldn’t mind fightin’

the Battle of Tibet.

I heard the LT went off again.

Did you hear about last night?

Yeah.  He shot some old man

who was just walkin’ down the road.

The LT’s pushin’ for the good ole Section 8.

Ain’t gonna happen.

He’s an officer.

That stuff’s for us nobodies.

Well, there’s a bird colonel

come down this morning.

I think he’s here

to look all of us over.

Hey GI, you got gum, C-rats?

Get lost kid.

You goddamn German brat.

Yeah, I remember.

Fuckin’ Aachen!

Fuckin’ Krauts!

I lost my watch there.

So, how long ya think

we’re gonna sit here?

I don’t know.

Depends on Colonel Hotshit.

I don’t mind.

I can sit.

Yeah.  Hey, butt me.

You’re fuckin’ worse

than those little bastards

back at Seoul.

Fuckin’ Korea!

You said it.

Tibet will be better though.


All that kama sutra pussy.

Or whatever they call it.

Hey GI, you want to buy sticks?

Got Big O Chinese tobacco too.

Like GI say, heap good shit!

Get lost.  But here. (points rifle)

Leave all that heap good shit

on the ground there.

Fuck Shit!  GI, you a fucker!

Now beat it!

Fuckin’ gook slope shits.

And here we are tryin’

to help them hold on

to their fuckin’ country.

Fuckin’ Nam!

Hey you two!

Get off your asses!

We’re movin’ out North.

Hope it’s fuckin’ Tibet.


Fuckin’ Afghanistan!

Peter Buknatski

Montpelier, Vt.

3 thoughts on “Hearts And Minds

  1. …I don’t wannabe that anymore.  Been there, done.  I wannabe a person who lives in a country that tries to do right by it’s people and the peoples of the world.  It’s the case that more ‘incidents’ will happen in Afghanistan as our troops are stressed with multiple tours.  I read somewhere that the sergeant who killed 16 was treated for head trauma, possible brain injury, last winter, but then OKd for another tour.  So, whose fault is it?  Civilians (us) send our troops off to war, and then we don’t want to hear about these things, and when we do, we wring our hands and then go vote for someone who says he will end the war, only he doesn’t (remember Nixon?).  The focus now seems to be on Iran.  Where is all this man/womanpower going to come from?  Ain’t no more draft.  So, we have our troops facing redeployment after redeployment.  If we can’t do it right (whatever that means), we should get the hell out. As the old saying goes, which was proven true during Tet,’68–Do not get involved in a ground war in Asia.

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