Lismania… wait. Hold on. An investigation?

From 7days:

The Vermont Democratic Party has filed a complaint with the attorney general’s office accusing the right-leaning adovcacy group Campaign For Vermont of violating campaign finance laws by running radio ads attacking Gov. Peter Shumlin.

Something most of us have seen as clear as day, that this isn’t a ‘non partisan’ group of work a day, everyday, ‘normal’ Vermonters working to better their state … this is a political vehicle to promote a specific agenda.

It is a curious leap that the Dems are using this:

Ironically, the Democrats are using a relatively recent court ruling that went against them to make the case that Lisman’s group has run afoul of the law. Bragg writes that Superior Court Judge Geoffrey Crawford’s decision in Vermont v. Green Mountain Future “essentially held that an advertisement, costing more than $500 and ran within a year of the election, that reasonably refers to a candidate triggers political committee status. Clearly, the hypercritical and inaccurate declarations contained in the Campaign for Vermont radio advertisement are directed at candidate Shumlin as opposed to merely Governor Shumlin’s legislative agenda.”

to argue that the Campaign for Vermont Prosperity is afoul of election law…

I do shudder to think that not so long from now, we’ll be hearing ‘I’m Bruce Lisman, and I approve this message…’…

*edited for spelling

11 thoughts on “Lismania… wait. Hold on. An investigation?

  1. Glad to see the Dems picking up the issue. (Shall we claim some credit for starting this ball rolling? Possibly, but as bmike says, the CFV’s latest ads are so blatant that they’re hard to miss.)

    Of course, given the flaccidity and languid pacing of election-law cases, I’m sure the CFV might be in line for a slap on the wrist sometime in 2014. By which time the CFV will be dormant anyway, its function assumed by “Lisman for Governor.”

    (Hmm. Does some enterprising lefty want to invest ten bucks in the apparently unclaimed    

  2. this popped onto the front page, and i must have been editing the spelling at the same time… and now it dropped off.


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