More conservative silliness

Oh, those wacky conservatives. Always good for a laugh. (It’s either that, or cry.) Two items, submitted for your consideration:

1. Bob McDonnell, pretty-boy Governor of Virginia, posits a creative new take on the Republicans’ economic argument. From Talking Points Memo:

“Look, I’m glad the economy is starting to recover, but I think it’s because of what Republican governors are doing in their states, not because of the president,” McDonnell said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Geez louise, the brass-plated balls on that guy. Look, Bob, I realize that if the economy continues to improve, the Republicans have absolutely no argument for replacing President Obama. But, really now. What you’re saying is that Obama deserves blame for anything bad that happens to the economy, and none of the credit for anything good. To be charitable, I could call that “magical thinking.” But to be honest, it’s completely illogical and two-faced.

And, as the TPM story points out, there’s no evidence whatsoever that the economy is doing better in red states than in blue. It’s simply not true.  

2. From the National Review’s website, NRO writer Daniel Foster whinges about the backlash against the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

In the NROHQ kitchen just now, Charlie Cooke wondered aloud, and here I paraphrase: “Does anyone on the Left even ask the basic question of whether a private charitable organization has the right to dispose of its money as it sees fit?”

Calm down there, Danny. Let me explain how the First Amendment works, in words I hope you can understand.

The Komen Foundation has a right to decide how it spends its money. Everyone else in the country has a right to react to that decision and decide where to give their money. Nobody held a gun to Nancy Brinker’s head, nobody held her puppy for ransom.  

Conservatives are so incredibly hypersensitive to criticism or counter-argument. They talk so tough, but when they get some pushback, they go crying to Mommy. Stop it, Daniel, you’re embarrassing yourself and your cause.  

4 thoughts on “More conservative silliness

  1. VA’s McDonnell certainly had a good year for himself in public service.

    Passes to sporting events, performance-art exhibits and airline trips are some of the nearly $99,100 in gifts and travel costs Gov. Bob McDonnell reported receiving last year.

    Almost half – nearly $43,600 – was paid for by taxpayers, according to an analysis by the Virginia Public Access Project.

    Some of the taxpayer costs were for international “marketing” safaris for the state his spokesperson says.Trinkets and gifts included $665.00 outfit from JCrew and $4,000.00 night vision goggles.

  2. Just so everyone is clear, the far-right wing crackpots that run the SGK foundation did NOT reverse their position.  They merely issued a press release designed to distract the media, as right-wing organizations do when they want to get the spotlight off their disgraceful actions.

    The funding for PP for this year is already moving forward, SGK is not and can not reverse this year’s allocation.  What got SGK in trouble is that they announced that they were cutting off PP’s funding when it comes up again next year.

    SGK’s ‘reversal’ was an obfuscation, they said, ‘This year PP will be funded in full’ (as if that was any different than yesterday!).  They went on to say, ‘that is no guarantee that we will fund PP next year’, which SGK has already announced that they wont be doing.

    SGK did NOT reverse themselves, they wrote a press release that made it sound as if they had changed their minds, and the automatically-moronic press corp believed every word of it, since critical thinking skills prevent one from becoming a ‘serious’ journalist in America.

    So the SGK controversy instantly died away, as they had intended when they lied to the media, and next year when they don’t fund PP, it will be a non-story and no one will ever know.

    Right wingers, are by definition, dishonest.  And the ‘liberal’ media fall all over themselves to perpetuate the right’s dishonesty.

  3. Bob McDonnell character just after the complete asshat Trump is what I envision every time I see a picture of these overly loaded toxic cologne ken dolls. They are also facial hair phobic – ever notice – another one Ralph Reed the incessant pubescent. Imagine them falling into a pool – of I dunno nuclear radiation coolant.  

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