Nominations to replace Rep. Weston are in

Burlington Representative Jason Lorber just tweeted that the local Democrats are forwarding three names to Governor Shumlin to consider as a replacement for the (sadly) outgoing Burlington Representative Rachel Weston: Jill Krowinski, Autumn Barnett, and Curt McCormack.

I have no doubt that any one of those three would make an excellent Representative.



(Weston is leaving Vermont for a new position in Jordan promoting women’s political participation.)

4 thoughts on “Nominations to replace Rep. Weston are in

  1. I don’t know Autumn Barnett, but she seems to have a lot going for her. http://blog-mark-redmond.spect

    Curt McCormack is a veteran legislator who served in the House from Rutland in the 1980’s and 90’s. I worked with him on South Africa divestment and MLK holiday legislation back then, and I also worked very closely with him when he was the legislative lobbyist for VLIAC, the Vermont Low Income Advocacy Council. Because of his legislative experience he would have no learning curve, which is helpful for someone coming in in the second year of a biennium. If I’m doing the math right in my head I don’t think there was any overlap between when Curt was in the House and the Governor was in the Senate.

    Jill is young, bright, and energetic. She brings a lot to the table and was the Executive Director of the state Democratic Party, not when Governor Shumlin was running for Governor, but just before that. Jill is a great example of the young people who get involved in politics, do good work, and wind up with a ton of really good experience before they ever hit 30.

    I suspect Jill has the edge, but I also think that this is a very impressive slate.

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