Bob Kerrey was right

If you’re a regular reader around here you know that I’m fond of Dan Savage’s definition of Santorum, but the news reports today demonstrate that Bob Kerrey was right.

At an appearance in Florida one of Santorum’s supporters spoke out, saying  “He is an avowed Muslim and my question is, why isn’t something being done to get him out of our government?”

Sound familiar? It should, because four years ago a John McCain supporter made a similar charge with regard to then-Senator Obama. Watch the video and then come back. It’s short.

Okay, back?

See what McCain did? Even though he was fighting for every vote, he corrected this misguided woman, even saying that Obama was a decent man who just disagreed on policy.

He set quite a standard for your boy, Santorum, eh? So what did Santorum do?

“It’s not my responsibility as a candidate to correct everybody who makes a statement that I disagree with,” Santorum said. “There are lots of people who get up and say stuff in a town hall meeting and say things that I don’t agree with, but I don’t think it’s my obligation, nor should it be your feeling that it’s my obligation to correct somebody who says something that I don’t agree with.”

Maybe politics are like sports. They claim that sports build character, but maybe politics, like sports, reveal character.

And maybe that’s why Bob Kerrey observed “Santorum, that’s Latin for asshole.”

No argument here.

One thought on “Bob Kerrey was right

  1. Santorum’s statement reminds me of the New York Times employee that asked if anyone believed the preposterous notion that a media outlet has any duty to point out when a source is brazenly and obviously lying.  After hundreds of people replied with variations of, “What kind of question is that, what do you think your job is???”, he followed up with surprise and shock, “But we can’t possibly be expected to do our jobs, it’s too hard, and the liars we protect will be angry at us.”  To which the general reply was, “WTF???”

    Santorum sees his duty as a presidential candidate to endorse every crackpot statement he hears.

    Just as Newt shouted ‘N****r’ in thinly disguised codewords as loud and often as he could to win the SC primary, Santorum realizes that pandering to the craziest, most propagandized voters is the only way any Republican politician can possibly win anything.

    Remember, by today’s standard, Gov. Aiken is a hard-left radical that makes Sen. Sanders look like a moderate.

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