Marcus Bachmann Personally Harasses Burlington-Based LGBT Group

( – promoted by odum)

You won't believe this.

Marcus Bachmann, the husband of presidential candidate Michele Bachmann, has launched a petty and vindictive campaign to personally harass Truth Wins Out. He is upset that in July TWO exposed his clinic for practicing “ex-gay” therapy. Prior to this disclosure, Bachmann lied to the American people and denied that his office engaged in these backwards and barbaric techniques. The revelation rocked Michele Bachmann's campaign and became her first major roadblock.

Now that the campaign is foundering, she and Marcus are looking for scapegoats – and have settled on Truth Wins Out. They are spitefully taking aim at me, trying to punish me because I went undercover to gather conclusive video evidence of “ex-gay” therapy being offered at his clinic.

Like the bullies they are, Bachmann & Associates is illegally demanding that I pay $150 for missed appointments — appointments that I had duly canceled in accordance with the clinic's guidelines. Amazingly, Marcus Bachmann personally called me last week threatening to send the bogus bill to collections if it was not paid by Friday, November 18. Truth Wins Out retained the services of an attorney and steadfastly refuses to be intimidated or pay the fake bill.

Clearly, Marcus Bachmann is angry with Truth Wins Out for exposing his clinic's fraudulent practices, and is engaging in malicious and vindictive strong-arming for the sole purpose of defaming and discrediting both me and TWO.

Stand with us today: sign our petition demanding that Marcus Bachmann immediately end these spiteful and malicious pursuits and stop harming clients with discredited and harmful ex-gay therapy.


Thanks for standing with us!

John Becker
Director of Communications and Development
Truth Wins Out
Burlington, VT

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