I’m home, in a lot of pain, and very happy

This is entirely personal, but I thought it worth posting to explain why I haven’t been posting much at all as of late, and some of the fairly complex turns my life has taken over the Summer and Fall so far.  

I know some of you have been following my myasthenia gravis stories on KosAbility and other places so I figured I’d give you all a follow up.

To summarize my last two weeks:

To get to the tumor properly, they had to cut open my chest, which means a fairly long recovery time as it is.  

That was almost two weeks ago.  

There was a complication which meant going back in again (some food fluid was going through my thoracic duct, which is not where it should be going), which involved going back in and, in advertently, accidentally breaking one of my ribs (which at least she was able to fix internally by wrapping it and making sure it got back in place).  

Both of those operations left me with tubes, and I had to stick around in the hospital until all the tubes were ready to come out.  That happened yesterday, but I’m still in a bit of pain and will be for some time.  Currently, the broken rib is far more painful than anything else, and I know how that works since it’s happened once before.  I’m hoping that it will heal faster since she was able to set it back in place immediately, whereas last time it happened, it just healed on its own and never went properly treated.  

I cried in front of strangers yesterday, twice– first when one of the doctors told me I could get the last tubes out during the day and go home, and secondly when my surgeon checked in on me.  I hadn’t originally planned to go with her, but I am so glad I did.  I need to figure out if there’s an appropriate gift to give the person who gave you your life back.

And I mean that seriously– I am currently, and who knows if this will last, symptom free as far as the Myasthenia Gravis goes.  My eyes are wide open.  I can speak fluently (though slowly and with care ’cause of the pain) and without slurring.  I have no double vision.  

Right now, I am just in a bit of (though not as much as you would expect) pain, and taking small amounts of medication when I need it (I’ve had exactly one pain pill since I got home and that’s fine for now).  I can’t lift anything heavy– even my laptop is a problem right now, but I have a good workstation set up in the front with a comfy chair.  When I say “workstation” I mostly mean a place to watch videos, compose some music, blog, e-mail, goof off on Facebook and do a very small amount of actual work on occasion for my regular job, which I’ll be going back to in two weeks, probably 1/2 time and then full time after that.  

And I’m just kind of really in a good mood, despite the 11 days in the hospital (some of them particularly bad), despite the fact that I have very little I can accomplish right now, I think I need to be okay with just playing for a time and letting everything come back into swing.   I haven’t even blogged much because it’s been difficult, but that’s coming back again, and I’m feeling like I missed a lot on the political front, but maybe I can start catching up.

Thanks everyone for listening.  

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