Burlington Dem Caucus Concludes w/o a Mayor Candidate – Ashe vs Weinberger runoff at a later date.

See previous diary for the details, but the long and the short is that, due to a final round closer even than the literal “50%+1” threshold, and apparent questions over the validity of another round given that so many voters have left, the Burlington mayoral candidate from the Democratic Party will not be named tonight.

Instead, the top-two vote-getters Tim Ashe and Miro Weinberger will return within a month (on a date to-be-decided), for a final head-to-head runoff. Howard is emphasizing repeatedly that both candidates are on board with this, probably to avoid any “rotten-Dems” style conspiracy theories (yawn).

Funny. Weird. Also kinda cool. Probably a good kumbaya move, but a one-on-one dynamic in the coming weeks will be very different than a four candidate free-for-all. The kumbayas may not last until the next vote.

A side note: there were voters who were turned away due to missing the 2:00 PM registration deadline laid out in the caucus rules. Bet some of those folks are kicking themselves now.

And along those lines, it’s not clear who will be deemed eligible for voting in the follow-up caucus. Party officials could limit it to people who had registered for today’s caucus, or they could throw it as wide open as they want.

3 thoughts on “Burlington Dem Caucus Concludes w/o a Mayor Candidate – Ashe vs Weinberger runoff at a later date.

  1. Depends on the rules.

    If you had to have attended today: I bet Miro wins, given the #’s of people who didn’t stay once their candidate left

    If it is again an open caucus: there’s going to be HUGE pressure for Miro to be a bit more divisive about being the real Democrat in the race, which is simultaneously a minefield for his prospects in the general.

  2. Depends on the rules.

    If you had to have attended today: I bet Miro wins, given the #’s of people who didn’t stay once their candidate left

    If it is again an open caucus: there’s going to be HUGE pressure for Miro to be a bit more divisive about being the real Democrat in the race, which is simultaneously a minefield for his prospects in the general.

  3. is def going to be who gets to have access to the next meeting as voters.   Folks who arrived late did get sent packing.   They may now get to vote if they can drag themselves out of bed early enough next time….

    But if not, then it becomes an inside game where you are pretty glad you didn’t step on the toes of either Jason or Bram, and hope for an endorsement or at minimum access to their list of backers…  it becomes the ultimate inside game of conversion and attendance….  

    Way too bad this fell this way as Howard and the team did a great job of covering most of the bases in detail..   very well organized, but still could not  get past the fact that it was Democrats in the building so if it could be complicated it WOULD be complicated.  

    never thought it would fall this way….    

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