Bertrand in as VT Republican Exec. Director

And around we go. Tayt Brooks is (back) out as Executive Director of the Vermont Republican Party and Mike Bertrand is in. Bertrand was one of Jim Douglas’s frequent appointees to positions of power in his administration, regardless of his experience. Commissioner of this, Secretary of that… I dunno. It’s all sort of a blur.

Is it me, or does the list of go-to guys on the GOP bench seem awfully limited? Now we get Bertrand – part of that same crowd, but a name we heard more often earlier in the century – especially when he ran for Secretary of State against Markowitz. He was like the 21st Century first wave Jason Gibbs.

With Jim Barnett in greener pastures, are we destined just to see Tayt Brooks, Jason Gibbs, and Mike Bertrand over and over again (with Rob Roper the only alternative/anomaly?)? Has Neale Lunderville graduated, or we see him back in one of these election-steering roles again (after he runs for Treasurer or Secretary of State following his high-profile gig with the Shumlin administration – thanks, Pete.)?

If the Dems have a problem with not retaining state/institutional memory and going for brand new outside talent cycle after cycle, the Repubs seem to have the opposite problem. Musical chairs with the same dwindling bench (ack, I mixed metaphors again).

You’d think after the recent epic electoral collapse (Dem supermajorities in both leg branches, all three federal officeholders Dem… if not all in name… losing the Governorship), the Vermont GOP would be at least as interested in cleaning house as the Red Sox.

With any luck, maybe they’ll bring back Corey Bliss too.

3 thoughts on “Bertrand in as VT Republican Exec. Director

  1. Don’t forget Kurt Wright, now making a bid for Burlington mayor.

    And guess who will be his campaign manager: Darth, er, Tayt Brooks. Sure to be a nasty campaign. Watch out, Jason, Tim, et al.


    Politics is not the art of the possible. It consists in choosing between the disastrous and the unpalatable. ~ John Kenneth Galbraith  

  2. Don’t give them any great ideas, they’ve done a fine job of marginilizing themselves to the point of irrelevance & now have nothing better to do than busying themselves by continually shooting themselves in the foot on a regular basis.

    McLaughry with his dour, cringe-worthy op-eds & similiar pieces from fellow rightwingers fortunately will do nothing to attract new voters. Macdonald’s recent attempt to politicize the aid for destruction caused to our fellow VTers from Irene is but another dark chapter for the annals. She may be seeking Shumlin’s job, but that alone will prove to be some mighty heavy baggage in an election. It’s always the same antics & more of the same tiresome bs, different day.

    Now standing nose to nose, toe to toe against the state of VT, aligning themselves w/Entergy Louisiana they should be ashamed of themselves. It’s all hands on deck as it appears Entergy’s ride is coming to an end as evidenced by the blizzard of op-eds from Entergy supporters, rightwingers all, recently Peg Flory & of course Guy Page, filled with incorrect, erroneous & completely false information which is their par for the course as they try to snow the gullible public with nonstop fearmongeriing. This bunch is now involved with attempting to force VT under federal jurisdiction, trampling states rights, destroying our soveriegnty & freedom to make our own laws & choices through our democratically elected citizens legislature by acting on behalf of an incorrigably corrupt corporation which successfully influenced our former governor to subjugate VT, even using his appointees as henchmen.

    Since they’re always up to no good, fortunately independent voters have awakened to their antics. Hopefully the supermajority & having a Dem governor will continue for a long, long time.

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