County Dems Elect Leadership

Messenger (print only):

Mike McCarthy, 27, of St Albans City, was elected the new chair of the Franklin County Democratic Committee at a meeting of county party delegates Tuesday night.

Euan Bear, of Bakersfield, stepped down as chair after two terms and one term as vice chair.  “I feel like I've paid my dues and done the best I can, and it's time for new leadership,” Bear told the Messenger when asked about her decision.

Speaking of McCarthy, Bear told the Messenger, “The hope is that he will be bringing in a whole new cohort.”

McCarthy was unopposed.  Todd Pritsky, who previously ran for the legislature as an independent, was elected vice chair.  Lloyd Touchette and Pierrette Bouchard were re-elected secretary and treasurer, respectively.  There were approximately 40 delegates at the meeting.

“I'm really hoping to spread the tent a little wider,” said McCarthy of his plans for the county party.  McCarthy said he wanted to involve more people, including young people, in discussing issues, campaigning for candidates, and fundraising.

Nationwide, it's a problem that young people are not more involved in party politics, suggested McCarthy.  Being part of a party doesn't mean agreement with every position the party takes, said McCarthy.

The county chair organizes and runs the county meetings, supports candidates, raises funds for the county party, set-ups [sic] the county headquarters during elections.

I'd like to offer my congratulations in particular to Mike.  Not only for winning the approval of the committee, but for his willingness to step up with vision and energy as we head into an election cycle that presents us with a lot of challenges and opportunities.


3 thoughts on “County Dems Elect Leadership

  1. You guys are just the ticket to bring some young Franklin County-ites into the fold.  

    As the DINOS age out, (hopefully) their influence will begin to recede.

  2. I’m really looking forward to serving with you, Todd. Thanks Sue for the encouragement. We are going to do some great things, win back some seats in the House, throw some great parties, and reenergize Democrats and our allies in Franklin County.

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