To One Who Doubts the Worth of Doing Anything If You Can’t Do Everything


My friend John Sundman alerts me to this piece in Forbes by Peter Reilly:

William Ruhaak  believes that his conscience-based objection to military spending should allow him to not pay the $2,399 in taxes, interest and penalty that he owes for 2007.  The Tax Court didn’t agree so he took hiscase to the Seventh Circuit, which issued its opinion in May.  Mr. Ruhaak is willing to pay.  He will turn the money over to organizations fostering peace or pay it to the government, provided it is earmarked for non-military purposes.  I was inclined to give this opinion short shrift possibly making fun of Mr. Ruhaak, who seems to think he is dealing with the United Way rather than the United States.

Of course this is all near and dear to my civilly disobedient heart.  I encourage everybody to read what a CPA thinks of the 7th Circuit's decision and war tax resistance.

It seems especially timely as the GOP assures us that the rich don't need to pay taxes, what with their being very deserving and rich and all. Why should those infected with avarice get to skip out on their tax obligations and hoard immense piles of wealth whilst people of conscience have the Man after them when all they want to do is redirect the monies to something good for humanity?



One thought on “To One Who Doubts the Worth of Doing Anything If You Can’t Do Everything

  1. Aug. 2, 1964–First Gulf of Tonkin Incident (second one, Aug. 4 was a radar/sonar glitch–and there are still questions about the first one).  Which, led, of course, on Aug.7, to Congress passing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving LBJ powers to wage ‘undeclared’ war.  Now, ain’t it interestin’?  Within THREE DAYS, Congress passes a war powers resolution.

    THREE FUCKIN’ DAYS!  Perhaps we should declare War on the Economy–never mind, we already have.

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