4 thoughts on “Debt ceiling stress relief

  1. since they could not manage to solve the debt ceiling crisis among themselves, Congress and the President have canceled next week.

    In so doing, next week will not even happen and no one has to worry about the debt ceiling crisis or anything else of import either.

    Everyone would be free to take the entire week off and do absolutely nothing, just like Congress and the President will be doing with these and other crucial matters as well as much else or so it would seem.

    In fact if this approach of not doing anything and therefore canceling a given time period works, particularly when and how it matters most, the rest of next month (i.e., the entire month of August) might also get canceled as well.

    Who knows, they could do this for the rest of the year and we will have no further worries, at least not until doomsday of 2012 that is.

    My apologies, however whenever faced with highly dubious absurdities and other such nonsense, I most often conjure up, exercise and respond with equal or greater absurdity and other such nonsense.

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