Swimming Upstream Against the Current

Well, it appears that Tom Salmon has finally settled on what he wants to be when he grows up: a U.S. senator.

Ever since his reelection to serve as state auditor, the Boy Wonder has made it known that he didn’t really want to do that job, but would rather begin immediately positioning himself to run for something grander.

Tuesday night’s Letters to the Editor in The Messenger was graced with an incoherent Salmon screed against Bernie Sanders for… what exactly? Is it for representing the interests of the elderly, veterans and working men and women?  Ever the master of nuance,  Auditor Salmon somehow manages to offend nearly everyone who labors in this state:

Senator Sanders is a Senator of the United States.  He is not a lobbyist for the AARP, the Veterans of America or the many Unions that financially support him.  He has not spent a day teaching in the public schools, nor a day on the battlefield.  He is neither a nuclear scientist, a CPA or a healthcare professional…But yet, he has spent the last year raising $1.5 million for his re-election campaign and getting people whipped into a frenzy over “unfairness.”

Whoa!  Can we conclude from that diatribe that Mr. Salmon will not accept campaign donations from corporations and the independently wealthy who would most benefit from his anti-populist agenda?  

Should the heavens part in recognition of his birthright, and he make the unlikely ascent to the throne of “Senator Salmon,” I guess we can assume that the full spectrum of peoples whose interests Bernie consistently stands for can pretty well lump-it when it comes to any issues of “unfairness.”

And what’s this?  Bernie Sanders has been “silent” over the debt ceiling crisis?

“Nearly eight months after his famous filibuster, when leaders are truly needed, he is particularly quiet as solutions are being sought.”

Does this man not own a television?

While we’re at it, let’s hear Mr. Salmon’s brilliant and detailed plan.  He is a CPA, you know.

Oh, I get it.  All of those old people, veterans, teachers and children who have been ‘whipped into a frenzy over “unfairness?”‘  Scotch Social Security, Medicare, Veterans benefits and public education; then send those kids and the elderly out to get all the new jobs that will be created “soon” by the Bush tax cuts.

That’s not what you meant, Mr. Auditor?  Well, that certainly is how you came across to me.

You think social insurance is the “problem” with America’s debt?

He (Sen. Sanders) has earned a black belt in delivering half-truths (“Social insurance programs are not the problem”)

Social insurance, which American laborers have been paying for in good faith for decades now, and which honest analysis reveals will serve us well into the distant future with some very minor adjustments?  You think that’s the problem, Mr. Salmon?  

We do know that as much time as Mr. Salmon devotes to doing almost anything to avoid the tedium of his real job, he still has not taken our advice to enroll in a basic English composition refresher at CCV.

Let us urge Senator Sanders and the rest of his counterparts in dysfunctional Washington, DC to “Serve the United States of America which means all the people within the states, or to leave their post and become a lobbyist for their favorite organization.”  

(Quoted absolutely verbatim from pg. 4A of the July 26 Messenger.)

Mr. Salmon’s timing is flawless as ever.   He clumsily flings his line in the water and catches his own tail.

About Sue Prent

Artist/Writer/Activist living in St. Albans, Vermont with my husband since 1983. I was born in Chicago; moved to Montreal in 1969; lived there and in Berlin, W. Germany until we finally settled in St. Albans.

8 thoughts on “Swimming Upstream Against the Current

  1. Salmon is a Republican, a recent convert, but he’s taking it very seriously.

    Brazenly lying is mandatory and required in order to be a Republican politician today.

  2. The only thing that comes through loud and clear in the latest message from Salmon is his ambition and dislike for Bernie.

    I do wonder what inspires the tortured imagery.

    Salmon says “it was a classic case of Sanders playing with people’s emotions over a grass fire when the house is really burning down.”

    I think as his campaign [d]evolves Salmon would do well to remember the wise words of Steven Wright:“There’s a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.”

    here is link to Salmon’s letter


  3. Do not offer sympathy to the mentally ill.

    Tell them firmly:

    I am not paid to listen to this drivel.

    You are a terminal boob.

  4. …against Sanders would be like Britney Spears announcing her run for President…wait a minute…Actually Britney Spears running for President (as a Republican, of course) would be less ridiculous than Salmon running for Senate.  After all, she’s young (have to lower the age for office to 29), she’s BLONDE, and she has absolutely no morals.  I wonder if the Repubs will change their nomination procedures to allow for a swimsuit competition at their convention?

    Anyway…Salmon the crazy vote and the liars’ vote sewed up.  Perhaps next, he’ll go after the habitual offenders vote.


  5. Bernie Sanders is nearly the only one in Congress who tells the truth about Social Security; that it is not a cause of the deficit. Since Salmon clearly knows nothing about math and government programs, he really ought to be impeached as auditor of Vermont accounts. He not only doesn’t want to do that job, he is incapable of it.

    I don’t think Bernie has much to worry about despite all the Repuglican funding and smears that will be coming this way thanks to the Citizens United decision.

    People know Bernie is for real. Tom only got elected because the of the Salmon name recognition or maybe some of his voters confused it with the healthy fish.

  6. This guy’s even more pathetic than Mr. Ethan Allen Institute.

    If he has a television, he might sell it and use the proceeds to buy a clue.

    Whatever does Salmon Senior think of his whack job offspring?

  7. he had his eye on the gov. Something tells me that the music stopped & Salmon was the one w/o a chair. Dubie’s name keeps popping up, so perhaps the ‘hopefuls’ have drawn their straws.

    Maybe another ‘hopeful’ can emerge to save Salmon from walking the plank…Douglas???

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