The Video the NRC Doesn’t Want You to See

Recently, we’ve found ourselves talking about the apparent inability of anyone to hold Entergy accountable for its pattern of misinformation; about the Nuclear Regulatory Commission having lowered the bar on regulation in order to cut failing plants some slack and give their operators even less incentive to shape up; and about Entergy’s strategy to milk the maximum returns from their geriatric VY plant through legal stall tactics.  

Now it’s time to give a listen to the really big and scary picture on U.S. nuclear energy facilities and their potential for Fukushima-size failure.

Here is the best and latest video from Vermont’s own Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Associates who is joined this time by David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists in a forum recently presented by the C-10 Foundation at the Boston Public Library.  Roughly fifty-minutes long, this video provides an overview of all the contributing science around the events that unfolded at Fukushima, then brings it on home to our own aging and dangerously under-planned U.S. reactor scene.  

Why Fukushima Can Happen Here: What the NRC and Nuclear Industry Dont Want You to Know from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

About Sue Prent

Artist/Writer/Activist living in St. Albans, Vermont with my husband since 1983. I was born in Chicago; moved to Montreal in 1969; lived there and in Berlin, W. Germany until we finally settled in St. Albans.

17 thoughts on “The Video the NRC Doesn’t Want You to See

  1. to Arnie, Dave, UCS & Fairewinds. And thanks once again for posting Sue. Lets hope that states wake the hell up & begin to recognize as VT did from jumpstreet that ‘We the People’ need to make the choices about whether we even want nuclear power as well as regulate & oversee that which is not specifically in NRC purview through hired industry professionals as VT has done which report to us through the citizen legislature, as clearly the NPO’s nor the NRC couldn’t care less about you, I the public or our safety.

    Is this why NRC & DOJ are so worried about little VT?

    When it’s all said & done, we own the risks, consequences as well as any long term devastation which is why they don’t care. The nuclear power industry which has lived on the public dole for 40-50 years still cannot make a profit w/o the taxpayer dime through subsidies & other guarantees. Though many industries recieve subsidies they could likely survive w/o them. The nuclear industry cannot-it’s nothing but a very long gravy train & vast corporate welfare system.

    They’re billing us for killing us.

    Time to make them stand on their own feet as well as become insurable so that the public can insure our losses. If this cannot be done shut them down.

  2. How is it possible that Vermont’s long history of Act 250 and other development regulations make it easy for communities and abutters to block wind-turbine projects or big box stores, yet somehow there is a question as to whether the state of Vermont can decide if we want an aging nuclear power plant to continue operating past its designed lifespan?

    Truly amazing.

    When will it be time for people to storm the court-house with pitch-forks?

    When’s the last time a judge was tarred and feathered?

    Seems like crazy silly questions but we live in an age of utter insanity so anything goes I suppose.  

  3. Can’t stop nuclear power??? No court decision re whether or not VT can rule on our own behalf has been made yet. I believe VT will prevail. What this is really about is Entergy Louisiana running from now until then. A bald attempt to simply overturn the will of the ppl of VT. I’m sure they are hoping it will span election cycles to a more favorable political climate which they enjoyed under their lapdog, Douglas, his cronies & complicit appointees. Making things difficult to discourage other states from taking the same action is also paramount.

    There’s more than one way to skin a cat – (no offense to the kitties!) =<^.^>= There are states where nuclear power is not allowed-period. I would like to see a law like this in VT. As other states see the overreach by discredited rogue entity NRC which masquerades as a regulatory agency & the judicial branch hopefully VT will serve as an example & wakeup call for other states to slam the door.

  4. From Fukushima to Vermont


    *10am to 5pm

    *Livak Ballroom, Davis Center 4th floor,

    UVM Campus, Burlington

    Arnie Gundersen will talk on Nuclear energy 101. Others who will be there, Deb Katz, Chris Williams, & Bob Stannard

    This is a day long conference to educate ourselves and organize around this issue. A vital chance to do this work.  

    $5 to $10 sliding scale with pizza at lunch

  5. …major protests at the plant itself?  Remember Seabrook.  I would think a couple to three thousand folks would turn out.  Maybe more.  Conferences are all right to protest at, but being at the site of the present danger would give Vermonters a more visceral feeling (anger) about what THEY are trying to do to US.  

  6. complaining about a typo in the above piece (in the first line, I accidentally used “it’s” rather than “its”):

    Thank you for your sharp eye.  As you will read, I have corrected that error.

    You were concerned that I might not know the appropriate use of the contraction, but rest assured that I do. Sometimes my fingers fly so quickly over the keys that my brain lags a little behind.

    One word of warning though: I am inclined to take liberties with the English language on a fairly routine basis.  If this will keep you up nights, I suggest you simply bypass my posts altogether. 😉

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