A solicitation from the NRA!

(“The UN? Oh good grief.” -odum

Debunked here:

http://www.snopes.com/politics… – promoted by kestrel9000

I was just stunned to receive a solicitation call from the National Rifle Assn.  It was a live person on the phone initially, but then they put on a recorded statement, promising that they’d be soliciting comments afterward. The recording claimed that the UN is trying to take everyone’s guns away and that people should support their effort to protest an upcoming UN conference in NYC. I was going to listen to the whole thing and then tell them it was full of crap, but it went on far too long for my patience to hold out.

So I guess the NRA is out recruiting here in the hills of central VT. May be worthy of some investigation…

6 thoughts on “A solicitation from the NRA!

  1. It must be a perennial favorite because I seem to recall them trying the same thing  a couple of years ago.  

  2. Nothing can happen in the UN without the US agreeing to it.  It’s very, very rare that anything happens there without the US signing off on it.

    In Reality, that small arms treaty is not aimed at the civilian market of semi-auto assault rifle look-alikes, like the AR-15 knock-off you can buy at Rite-Way Sports for $450.  There is a clause in that treaty that specifically excludes those.

    The small arms treaty is aimed at fully automatic assault rifles being sold by the boatload.

    So the NRA is knowingly and intentionally lying, using the insanely stupid notion that the UN has any power at all so scare intentionally self-stupid people.

  3. In a society whose cultural legacy to history will be ‘The Malls’ (as Egypt’s will be the Pyramids and Rome’s etc.), it is not a surprise that GUNS are an essential part of our so-called culture.  We need guns for those early morning sales at WalMart.  We need guns to deal with those goddamn ‘slow’ drivers.  We need guns so our kiddies will have something to play with.  And we need guns so all the morons out there who don’t have a clue on how to handle a gun–that their not shooting at a deer–can shoot somebody’s pet dog or goat or another person in the woods or themselves.

    THE GUN.  As American as the CREDIT CARD.  But even STUPIDER.  Hey, get with it.  Remember, you can be as smart as Einstein, but the moron you’re talking to has a gun–get one yourself.  And do it today, cause the Black Helicopters are coming!

    Fucking NRA.  As Harry Dean Stanton said:  “Dildo-Dipshit-Assholes!”    

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