More on George Till’s phony physician “survey” and his crusade to scuttle reform

Okay, this is pathetic. This “Survey” by Rep. George Till, who cravenly voted for health care reform while continuing his efforts to scuttle it behind the scenes, is even more bogus than I thought. Even worse, it was reportedly funded by the College of Medicine at UVM. Your tax dollars at work.

One wonders how much funding was allocated and where it actually went, as the survey itself is an online poll. From survey monkey. That’s about $14/month for their bells-and-whistles reporting features (unless you just go for the free version). If the survey cost more than that, I’d be curious to see where the money went (not to proofreading, as you’ll see if you check it out).

And don’t take my word for it. Want to play doctor? Here’s the link: Take the survey, clear your browser cookies and take it again. And again and again.

Any media outlet giving serious time to this bogus survey should be ashamed of itself.

And Till is wasting no time playing health care reform slayer (again, recall that he voted FOR this bill). Till had a meeting last night with Fletcher Allen doctors which was little more than a pep rally for the defeat of the reform bill, according to witnesses. He was joined by Fletcher Allen Senior Membership Teammates John Brumsted and Theresa Alberghini DiPalma.

14 thoughts on “More on George Till’s phony physician “survey” and his crusade to scuttle reform

  1. This is the sleazy shit the people have to watch out for.  Sounds like: “We had to destroy Ben Tre in order to save it.”

  2. …thinking that the pre-Med track wasn’t a possibility anymore!  If only being an actual doctor was as easy as being able to take a poll as one.

  3. Wow. Just wow.

    I have no blood-pressure issues that I know of, but I may now.

    That’s some fancy footwork on that high-wire. Brazeness of Rep. Till is simply breathtaking. How he ever thought he could pull this off is a head-shaker. That we have scam-artists in the statehouse who will go to these lengths to undermine legislative process is unbelievable.

    Stunning act of chicanery is unimaginable.

    VT media who have not vetted this story have done a great disservice to VTers. Any news media which does not at the very least mention pertinant details of this poll has no business reporting the news.  

    Keep up the great work, odum.

  4. I saw it yesterday morning, but had a 10-hour day coming up and couldn’t find the time to delve into it.  If I have time tomorrow, I want to follow up some on this with explaining it from a mathematical and statistical POV, but the short summary is that this isn’t just a bad survey for the reasons you explained.  It’s absurd on multiple levels.  Even if the data were valid and reliable (neither of which appear to be true), it’s not particularly meaningful on any level, and the results contain a few inherent contradictions which don’t demonstrate ambivalence or disagreement as much as they do simple lack of clarity and competence on the part of the survey design.

  5. from vt buzz Terri Hallenbeck:

    Vermont House leaders slipped into rep.’s survey

    5:26 PM Fri., April 8, 2011 | Permalink

    By Terri Hallenbeck

    The survey that Rep. George Till, D-Jericho, conducted of fellow doctors flared up in the Statehouse on Friday.



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