Plagiarism and False Rumors: Statehouse Republicans Embrace Slime

There is honor in being a minority in a democracy. Somebody needs to tell the Vermont GOP that, as they have engaged in decidedly dishonorable behavior in the last week.

First was the anti-health reform speech by Rep. Burditt that invoked “communism” and “radical islam” – and was apparently an act of plagiarism.  According to Hallenbeck, that speech was largely lifted from Association of American Physicians and Surgeons president Lawrence Huntoon:

Burditt said he’s inexperienced at writing speeches and didn’t see anything wrong with using another person’s words. “It’s the same opinion that I have,” he said. “There’s nothing wrong with having the same opinion as anyone else.”

House Assistant Republican Leader Patti Komline, R-Dorset, said Vermont lawmakers are not well-versed in such issues.

Hey, who cares, right? No biggie. Now don’t we have some school funding to go cut somewhere…?

Second was the rumor in full-blown circulation last week that Senator Patrick Leahy was ill and planning to retire next month. It apparently got enough traction that it caused Leahy’s Vermont staff to feel the need to engage and quell the rumors.

All I’ve been able to find out was that the rumor originated with Statehouse Republicans, and since it has no basis in – well, apparently any reality whatsoever – insiders assume it was merely started as an act of mischief. Presumably spreading concerns around the Senators age, health and competence are all they feel they’ve got to undermine him.

Class act, this “loyal opposition.”

14 thoughts on “Plagiarism and False Rumors: Statehouse Republicans Embrace Slime

  1. House Assistant Republican Leader Patti Komline, R-Dorset, said Vermont lawmakers are not well-versed in such issues.

    Didn’t Burditt’s mom ever teach him not to repeat words he didn’t understand?

    What a buffoon.

  2.  I find it very sad in a country where men and women have died fighting to preserve our freedom, that some are now considering plagiarism of quotes an acceptable solution to lack of creativity.

    And let me add, four score and and seven years ago our health insurance providers in an effort to form a more perfect profit model…

  3. If my students get caught plagiarizing, the school gets very, very mad.  The “I’m not well-versed in the rules” defense doesn’t seem to work there, but I guess Legislators are a breed apart…

  4. on Michel’s speech and the buffoonery that prompted it.  Unfortunately, no mention of plagiarism.  The guy is too witless even to paraphrase!  There is always the possibility that he wasn’t aware of the lift, and that the speech was provided to him, whole-cloth, from some “higher” authority.

  5. “…Vermont GOP…as they have engaged in decidedly dishonorable behavior in the last week.”

    Just last week? I’m hard pressed to find a week they have not engaged in decidedly dishonorable behavior, although there are peaks & valleys there are more peaks. Each & every week a new episode in their adventures. One would have to be quite staunch to be on board w/them now.  

    I realize it must be frustrating to be as marginalized as they are but still no excuse.

  6. to find a week they have not engaged in decidedly dishonorable behavior, although there are peaks & valleys there are more peaks. Each & every week a new episode in their adventures. One would have to be quite staunch to be on board w/them now.  

    I realize it must be frustrating to be as marginalized as they are but still no excuse.

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