20 thoughts on “Redirector

  1. I almost deleted GMD from my list.

    Don’t ever do that again, ever!

    I wanted to see GMD, not some cheap dig on VT Digger.  

    Oh, it was supposed to be a rip of VT Tiger?  Well, it did NOT read that way.  I’ve never seen VT Tiger, I don’t give clicks to my enemies (who want to ‘bag liberals), and Tigger rhymes with Digger.


  2. As my Mom used to say, “Everyone had a lot of fun until the tears came.”

    and then there’s this one: “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

    Happy April Fools Day, Everyone!

  3. It’s bad internet etiquette.

    It often is an indication that your website or computer has been hijacked.

    And coincidentally there is a malicious attack happening just today affecting more than a million websites.

    And this is not an April Fools joke.


    Since I’m new here

    I’m getting rated, how can I rate other comments?


  4. We do this for the love of it, providing sober and sometimes sad content, day in and day out.  No money, no accolades.  Sometimes we just want to cut-loose and play.

    April Fool is like carnival or  All Hallow’s Eve: a primitive, slightly pagan surrender to the demon-child inside of us.  I would like to think, in these dark  times, that it’s a good thing to inject a little light-hearted mischief where it can do the least harm.  We’re not your telephone provider, the weather bureau, or even a news service.  We’re mostly nice people just struggling with everyone else to stay afloat.

    Of course it’s “bad internet etiquette!”  That’s the whole point.


  5. I thought the redirect was a good April Fool gag.  I was okay with the spoof pieces until I saw the God stuff.  VT Tiger purposely stays away from that subject.  Geoff and Art and the others are not religious conservatives.

  6. I was suspicious it was something malicious, virus/trojan etc that hadn’t been taken down by staff yet.

    When I saw all the comments, I opened it, thought it was hilarious & reposted it using netiquette guidelines of course. Actually, I thought it was the unveiling of something new, which would be great, those tighta$$es need to be spoofed.

    I also found this:

    April 01, 2011

    April Fools hits the Vermont blogosphere – GMD vs. Vermont Tiger

    The liberal blog Green Mountain Daily is pulling a prank on their conservative friends at Vermont Tiger.


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