Shumlin wasting no time on 2012 election

No doubt some will level scorn, but I find this reassuring, if for no other reason that it sends a message to potential challengers that the incumbent Governor has no intention of sitting on his electoral laurels (electaurels?).

In the not-likely-coincidental-timing of only days after Barre Mayor Lauzon made noises about a potential gubernatorial run, Team Shumlin got out the following fundraising email just this morning, sent under the name of the Governor’s daughter, Becca. Click below the fold for the text (and then to discuss whether our nickname for the Governor should now officially be “Dad”… heh…).

Dear John,

There we were, as my dad would say, “Two kids from Putney” at the White House with President Obama and Michelle Obama. We had to pinch ourselves. When you helped elect my dad last November we knew things would change, but I didn’t believe change would come so quickly and I am not just talking about trips to the White House!

In his first 60 days in office, he has been focused tirelessly on the economic security of all Vermonters. Governor Shumlin sent the legislature a bill to stimulate manufacturing jobs, provide extensive job training and internships for young Vermonters, support efforts to strengthen healthy downtowns and create and protect good jobs for Vermont’s veterans and the long-term unemployed. This important action also combines efforts in the Agencies of Agriculture and Commerce for the first time so our important agricultural industry is finally part of our economic vision.

In addition to the jobs initiative, Governor Shumlin proposed a balanced budget that sets Vermont on a prudent fiscal path, and laid out a plan to provide broadband and cell phone service to all Vermonters by 2013.

And not least, he started tackling the biggest impediment to economic security and job growth facing our state: out of control health care costs. Shortly after taking office, my dad introduced a single-payer health care bill that lays the groundwork for controlling the skyrocketing costs by making our health care system simpler, fairer and more affordable. I can’t tell you how many times we have heard: “You can’t do single payer. You’ll never get the waivers from Washington.” Well recently, President Obama made his commitment clear when he announced his support for giving states the flexibility Vermont needs to implement our health care reforms by 2014. We’re making great progress!

Olivia and I think Dad is doing a great job; what do you think? Please reply to this email to thank Dad or tell him what you think about his first 60 days in office. His favorite part of being governor is meeting with Vermonters that have great ideas and stories to tell. If you are frustrated, let him know. If you have an idea, express it. Dad knows Vermonters involved in our political process make this state even stronger and all of us successful!

Thank you,

Becca Shumlin

P.S. I am also proud that Dad got McDonald’s to start using real Vermont maple syrup in their stores. Sometimes it is the little things that make a big impact. Just ask our sugarers!