It’s official.

To anti-choicers, a woman is nothing but a container for a fetus.

From the Plain Dealer:

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Two fetuses will be presented as witnesses before an  Ohio legislative committee that is hearing a bill to outlaw abortions  after the first heartbeat can be detected inside a woman’s womb.

Don’t worry, kids. If you wind up being born you can look forward to having your rights trampled and your needs ignored.

8 thoughts on “It’s official.

  1. if they refuse to state their name and place of residence before testifying?

    Does the Ohio legislature require swearing in? If so, what happens if they refuse to say I do? Will a bible be inserted in utero so they can place their hand on it to be sworn in?

    What happens if someone asks them a question and they refuse to answer?

  2. …killed in their mother’s wombs by our bombs and guns will not be called to testify.  That’s different–it’s War On Terrorism, donchaknow?  But ABORTION!  My God, the utter barbarity of it.  Makes you want to…oh, I don’t know…invade and occupy something.  Like a woman’s right to live.

    I hope Snake-Handling is not going to be replaced by Fetus-handling.

  3. To be a Republican you have to believe that:

    The post-born have no civil rights.

    The pre-born have civil rights.

    The best the post-born can hope for in a Republican majority is to catch bullets for American war profiteers.

  4. Yes, the heart starts beating early, but there is not brain activity for weeks and weeks.

    According to the Republicans, women have no rights at all, ever.  They are property, not human beings.  Women are owned by their fathers until they are sold to husbands.

    Speakers at CPAC even said the sole purpose of eliminating unions is to de-fund the Democratic Party in order to make America a one-party state, just like North Korea, China and Cuba.  With the Citizen’s United (under the Koch Bros) decision from the radical Catholic-run Supreme Court, the Democratic Party will be unable to fight back against the one-party rule of the Republicans and women shall be reduced back to chattel slavery where they belong (according to the Republicans).

  5. Anniunced?

    Wrong thread.


    Carry on.

    Looking for more than a pulse in the Auditor’s office.  

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