“Is it better to out the monster or to be quietly devoured”?- Friedrich Nietzsche

In regards to the recent controversy revolving around the ‘Anonymous’ issue, I must say I never expected the issue to become so inflammatory. The possibility of the misuse of GMD’s website & blog for outside or nefarious purposes & any resultant negative consequences is a fair issue. The GMD owner(s) have a legitimate concern as to how GMD is recognized, percieved & what information is allowed to be distributed using its platform.

When I added comment to the Anonymous post, it was never meant to violate WBC rights. All speech is not protected. Unless one is versed in all legal challenges, up on what is & is not protected or constitutional law, issue can be difficult to navigate. There is such a thing as ‘fighting words’, threats & harassment, as well as many other limitations to ‘free speech’. My intention was to recognize ‘Anonymous’ voice on behalf of those who have been subjected to WBC actions in curtailing this activity. Though Anonymous uses strong language, it appears to be sending the message that WBC tactics will be met with the same. Though WBC does not use the same language verbatim, their actions speak much louder than words.

Picketing & shouting at grief-stricken families & friends attending funerals is so far, far beyond the pale there appears to be no laws on the books to deal with this. This is a form of terrorism & should be treated as such. Families of servicemen & women, those whose lifestyles they disagree with, including a young gay man Mathhew Shepherd, slain in an unspeakable manner. The rights of those victimized by reprehensible behavior of WBC & their perverted ‘gospel’ message deserve protection, they also have rights. WBC also targeted the funeral of the nine year old killed by Loughner.


Free speech & the freedom of the press comes with reponsibilities. Although I do recognize those I disagree with have a right to voice their opinions, as it is necessary to maintain our rights & freedom, I also recognize there are those who dwell among us, from no particular segment of society, religion or politics who exist solely to game everything & everyone as well as every system known to the planet for their own selfish destructive purposes & interests. They do not use, but abuse our rights, privileges & freedom as well as the systems in place to protect them. Sole purpose is promoting the detriment of others, to inflict misery, suffering & pain upon those they consider unacceptable to their personal belief system. When it is no longer isolated individuals but an established group that collectively share & use this deviant behavior which motivates & administers these hideous actions on others, they bring upon themselves also the collective backlash which invariably results. Because they swaddle themselves in the constitution & use it as a guise for their activist form of hatred changes nothing. Sad to say those who do not respect the personhood, rights or freedom of others certainly do have the same rights as well.

Wisdom is justified by its children. Not quite the same as ‘end justifies the means’. Since WBC & their ilk use all methods & means at their disposal to conduct their reprehensible campaign of hatred, the opposition often chooses to use the tactical means & methods available also. Though it has been said fire cannot be fought with fire, I disagree. There is a method of firefighting in which back burning is used to isolate & contain the fire from spreading.

“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”- Friedrich Nietzsche

2 thoughts on ““Is it better to out the monster or to be quietly devoured”?- Friedrich Nietzsche

  1. Not I said the little red hen. I just felt that since it was my comment that was commented to, I should comment on the comment(s).

    But, there are so many issues & related issues it is difficult to get out of the forest when one begins to wander into the mist & murke.

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