LIVESTREAM Leahy, Sanders, Welch and Shumlin on Health care waiver

(I tried to figure out how to embed the player directly on GMD, but didn’t have any luck, but this is well worth keeping an eye on. – promoted by JulieWaters)

Big week at the State House. This morning Senators Patrick Leahy, Bernie Sanders, and Rep. Peter Welch are going to join with our new Governor Peter Shumin to discuss health care reform. Specifically, they will discuss how to get the necessary federal waivers in order to move Vermont to a single payer health care system. Then tomorrow, Harvard School of Public Health Economics Professor William Hsiao will unveil the three models our legislature commissioned.

Sorry for the short diary but I want to get this up quickly as ORCA public access TV is live streaming this morning’s conference and plans on livestreaming tomorrow’s report by Dr. Hsiao.


3 thoughts on “LIVESTREAM Leahy, Sanders, Welch and Shumlin on Health care waiver

  1. Mark Johnson @WDEV plans to carry Dr. Hsiao’s report live at 9:30 am. Mark will be at the State House, and will probably wangle some instant reaction as well. His show is on from 9-11, and he usually posts the audio on his website later the same day.  

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