In America there are no dreams anymore

This country is run by interests more powerful than we. At large, we are a powerless constituency of less-than-fortunate, less socially endowed citizens who push for LGBT equality, immigration reform, a tax system that is fair to lower income households. Our hopes and dreams are held captive by a system that is more willing to cast us to the wolves than give our ideas a fair chance in debate.

One. One Senator stood up yesterday and called out the egregious state of America, in eight and a half hours we were shown that the representation of liberals, progressives, democratic socialists and democrats in the Senate is limited to one man. One.

Against the best advice, they cut a deal on the 2001 Bush tax cuts that were sold to the American public as expired as of this year. The deal was for unemployment insurance benefits for two million people. The Republicans and blue-dog Democrats held us hostage because they feel empowered enough to do so. The DREAM Act came up for a vote in the Senate and it died. A threat of an unconstitutional act, the Filibuster, killed a bill that received more than a majority of votes. They profess that they’re for progress, but the last two years has shown me that they’re no longer a party for progress. The two parties have become one.

We’ve lost the power to sway our government, I fear the corporations and wealthiest have won.

The president has lost my vote. I was willing to give him a chance after Afghanistan was escalated, after Guantanamo continued operations, after the awful health care bill, and after the stimulus failed to produce a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank. His chances are used.

I unequivocally accept a democratic primary opponent from the left in 2012.

One thought on “In America there are no dreams anymore

  1. So here is the only reply I can muster.    If John McCain were president, things would be worse.  The only way a non-Republican will win the Presidency is if Barrack Obama is the Democratic candidate.  I think he is assured a win if he puts Hillary Clinton on the ticket.  Unfortunately, Progressives will be forced to vote for a “least bad” candidate yet again.  I urge people to vote for the “least bad”, and continue to work towards justice, equality and fairness.  

        It sure feels like things aren’t fair, doesn’t it?  They aren’t, and never have been.  I don’t know if America will become a country of social and fiscal justice.  I don’t know if absolutes exist. Looking around the world, we are closer than some countries, but that is not an acceptable answer to the disparity and callousness we see.

      Bernie’s vision, as expressed for 8 hours this week, sees the best that is possible, from human beings, and as an extension, the government.  What is it that keeps individual people, as well as the government,  from being fair, compassionate, and keeping the best interests of all in mind?  Is it self interest, greed, lack of awareness or something else?  

        Lets hope that the parable for our times does not turn out to be “Lord of the Flies”.  

    As Martin Luther King Jr. said “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice” I hope so.

    Oh, and here are the Senators to call for some justice for a bunch of human beings who were born in this country and have no rights.

    This from Daily Kos

    Update: As you know, getting 60 votes for cloture on the DREAM Act is going to be a nail biter. Please take a few minutes and call these Democratic Senators who are leaning no or have said they’ll vote against it:

    Max Baucus (MT) – (202) 224-2651

    Kent Conrad (ND) – (202) 224-2043

    Joe Manchin (WV) – (202) 224-3954

    Nelson (NE) – (202) 224-6551

    Mark Pryor (AR) – (202) 224-2353

    Tester (MT) – (202) 224-2644

    Kay Hagan (NC) – (202) 224-6342

    Claire McCaskill (MO) – (202) 224-6154

    Mary Landrieu (LA) – (202) 224-5824

    Or you can call this number from Reform Immigration For America, that routes automatically to key targets:


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